Since 1964, Lutheran Bible Translators has been making the Word of God accessible to those who do not yet have it in the language of their hearts. Our primary calling is translating the Bible – making the Word of God come alive in languages in which no translation currently exists.

There are still many oral societies in the world. LBT frequently works with people whose languages have no written format. Because many people are unable to read, and may never learn to read, literacy is also a vital part of LBT’s work.

Translated Scripture is meaningless unless it is used, studied, and shared. LBT missionaries promote Scripture Engagement through audio and visual technology, vernacular worship songs and liturgy, drama, and other culturally appropriate programs.

Please pray for us as we begin building relationships for prayer and financial support for our ministry with LBT.

If you would like to support our ministry, checks may be sent to:

Lutheran Bible Translators
PO Box 789
205 S Main Street
Concordia, MO 64020