Sermon Text 2022.04.03 — Eye on the finish line
April 3, 2022 Text: Philippians 3:8-14
Dear Friends in Christ,
Track season is underway. St. Paul illustrated where the Lord is calling us with the oldest of athletic competitions, the foot race. We all know the coach speak: “keep your eye on the finish line or rim or ball or goal.”
Chariots of Fire won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1982. I wonder if it could win today? It was the true account of a man who, like St. Paul, ran toward the life above.
The movie chronicled Eric Liddell’s refusal to run on a Sunday in the 1924 Olympics and his subsequent victory in the 400 meters. For Liddell, Sunday was the Lord’s Day, a day to honor God. It was not a day to run – even in the Olympics. The movie was very good, Toni and I actually just saw it a few years back, but even Hollywood couldn’t communicate the whole inspiring story.
Sally Magnusson wrote a book entitled The Flying Scotsman. She admitted that she approached the Liddell story as a subject too good to be true attitude. She thought such a strong-minded man would have a “holier-than-thou” attitude. In many of her interviews with those who knew him they described Liddell as “Christlike.” He was open to people of all races and befriended competitors no one else would talk to.
Eric Liddell gave up running to become a missionary to China. He died of a brain tumor at age 43. He had a quiet serenity from early morning sessions of prayer, meditation, and Bible study. On the day he died in 1945, one his companions wrote in their journal: “He wasn’t a great leader or an inspired thinker, but he knew what he ought to do, and he did it.”
Liddell lived his life like he ran the 400, with his . . . .
In our Epistle, St. Paul reminds us that righteousness does not come to the Christian by obeying the Law – it is the gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Neither guilt over the past nor worry about the future produces the Christ-life in the present. Nobody is perfect in this life – not St. Paul, not Eric Liddell, not you and not me – but in faith the perfect righteousness of Christ is already ours. Christ has set us free to run through life without the need to look back over our shoulders, without prejudice for those who run alongside, without jealousy for those who are out front, and with our eye on the finish line.
Ever heard this line? “Watch where you’re going.” Parents says it to kids. Bump into someone you might hear it. Coaches say it to runners. St. Paul says it to us.
Where are you going? Life has many distractions. We want our words to reflect Christ, but profanity is so prevalent it is hard to go out in public. We want our minds on the things of Christ while we watch media that stacks sin upon sin with no remorse or counter opinion. We want our eyes looking heavenward but pride, greed, envy, lust and laziness stand up in front of us. We want hearts filled with Christ but we clog our arteries with apathy, indifference, and selfishness. We want to be loving to others, but self gets in the way. A psychiatrist had this sign on his door: “Specializing in people who have no idea who they are.” When we are wrapped up in ourselves we make a very small parcel.
Where was St. Paul’s focus? Look at his deeds and life and writings and we get the picture. St. Paul knew the Scriptures. Eric Liddell knew the Scriptures. Do we know the Scriptures? As the Holy Spirit helps us study and learn He will empower and run alongside us. The Word of God is much better than Wheaties.
St. Paul focused on telling the Good News. With his eye on the finish line, He worked to proclaim the Gospel to large audiences and individuals. When we repent of our distractions with our words and minds and eyes and hearts and actions, the Lord can forgive and keep us moving toward the finish line. He won that for you too on a Sunday when a tomb was empty. With this new outlook and heaven on the horizon we can share the news of Jesus on the track where the Lord has us running.
Back in 8th grade I ran competitive track for the first time. The Lord blessed me with speed, and I was able to cross the finish line first numerous times. On the 4 x 100 Relay I ran the anchor or last leg. My buddies and I won at the District level on a cinder track. Remember those? We then went to the Sectional and it was on an all-weather track. The race began and by the time the baton got to me, well, I would have had to have been Usain Bolt to even place. This is what I remember: I never glided on a track so effortlessly, no cinder just pure comfort. But all I could see were the backs of the other runners. So peaceful but 6th out of 8 teams wouldn’t cut it this day. I finished but we were disappointed.
That can be a picture of life. You feel you are behind from the start. But as Christians we keep going with the peace of Christ. He leads the effort. He makes the path. He has already won the race. We see the finish line. On your run, get set to tell the Good News about Jesus to everyone you know, and go . . . why? Because the Lord has focused your eye on the finish line.
Sermon Text 2022.03.30 — Innocent, Guilty, and Free
March 30, 2022 – Lent Text: John 18:33-40
Dear Friends in Christ,
William Jefferson was a congressman from Louisiana. In 2002, he used resources of an organization that would encourage a vote for his daughter to the Statehouse. He used this same organization to help get his sister elected as a city official in New Orleans.
During Hurricane Katrina he used the National Guard to recover belongings from his home. When their truck got stuck in mud he used one of their helicopters to get them out. All the while this manpower was needed elsewhere.
In March 2005 a company called iGate sent Representative Jefferson $400,000 so he would persuade the army to use their technology. When the FBI raided his home they found $90,000 in the freezer.
Innocent? Hardly. In 2007 he was found guilty and sentenced to the largest sentence ever given a congressman for bribery. He was released a few years back for time served.
The Witness for Christ series finds us looking tonight at Barabbas. We have a trial going on. There are three outcomes: innocent, guilty, and free. Here we go . . .
Innocent – that’s Jesus. Pilate says so. “I find no guilt in Him.” (v. 38). Pilate didn’t think Jesus deserved the cross. Maybe a lecture or a lashing, but no cross. Pilate is “the governor” which means he decides death-penalty cases. You live or die according to him. So Pilate declares Jesus innocent and does it again in John 19:4, 6.
Guilty – that’s Barabbas. Barabbas is a violent outlaw. Our text says robber but he was so much more. He plunders and steals and he may not just rob you, but kill you.
So Pilate, the man with all the power, relinquishes the power, and instead goes to the court of public opinion. “”Do you want me to release the King of the Jews?’ They cried out again, ‘Not this man, but Barabbas!’” (vs. 39, 40)
Innocent – Jesus. Guilty – Barabbas. Guilty – you and me. We are all born “dead in trespasses and sins.” (Eph. 2:1). We are blinded by the god of this world. We are hopeless. Our good works are unclean rags. Just call you and I “Barabbas.” Paul called himself a “wretch” and that is what we are – right now…this moment – we are wretches.
The biblical word is sin. This isn’t a momentary stumble and lapse in judgment. This sin we all have is rebellion against God’s rule. Our sin lays claims to God’s throne. Our sin defies God’s authority. Our sin let’s God know we are in charge.
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned – every one – to his own way.” (Isa. 53:6). We all have a way. Her way may be flirtation and promiscuity. His way may be intoxication and bad language. Her way pride. His way gossip. What’s your way? God has declared us all guilty and the sentence is death.
Innocent – that’s Jesus. Guilty – that’s Barabbas. Guilty – that’s us. Free – that’s Barabbas. Listen. Can you hear it? The Roman guard with a key. He unlocks the prison door and shouts, “Barabbas. You are free. They have chosen to let you go.” Barabbas had to be shocked, right? Shackles gone, crimes pardoned and he walks to the light of day. Free!
Free – we see it with Barabbas. Free – you and I. How so? Christ endured not just the Roman nails, the mockery, and the spear, but also the gears of God’s grinding justice. God doesn’t overlook sin. He doesn’t poo-poo it as no big deal. That is not how it works. God must punish sin.
That is why all of sin was placed on Jesus. My sin. Your sin. Barabbas’ sin. Christ was in our place. Our sins are many but Christ’s mercy is even more. We are free. Psalm 146:7 says, “The Lord sets the prisoners free.” Galatians 5:1 says, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” Think of all the way you could become a prisoner. But there is only way to be free. Jesus.
He liberates us from the condemnation of sin. He frees us from our past. He opens doors to our worry. This freedom cannot be taken away. No power on earth or hell can destroy it.
Innocent, guilty, and free. Three important words in any trial. Which one is the most life-changing? Innocent? Guilty? Free? Do you have it right? Free! “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36). By faith, forever free.
Sermon Text 2022.03.27 — Get ready for some sleight of hand this morning
March 27, 2022 Text: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
Dear Friends in Christ,
Magicians are great at distracting us. If they can get us to look intently in one direction at what they are doing, we will not see what they are doing elsewhere. They then pull off their trick and we are stunned. So . . .
This is the third in a series of parables Jesus has been telling in response to the criticism he has been receiving from, of all people, the upstanding, churchgoing crowd. This third illustration is designed to be the clincher. Jesus does a great job of distracting his hearers.
The younger son. He wants his inheritance. In implicit terms he would like his dad to die. The father still very much alive gives him his share. He gets away from his parents and spends his monies on prostitutes and other unsavory devices. He is careless with his life because he has left home and church. He runs out of money and with famine in this foreign land the only job he can get is with the pigs.
Let’s notice something for our ears. The father enabled the son with the finances he gave. But he didn’t keep enabling him. The son had to hit bottom before he changed and repented. He did this on his own. His family was not chasing him. The son came back.
He gets on his feet and makes his way home. On the way he practices his apology. “Dad, I messed up. I am not worthy to be your son. Can I hire on as one of your servants?” Aren’t you and I gloating a little bit? We always like it when we think people get what they deserve. He’s no big man. He just another guy on dad’s payroll. The magician has our attention.
The magician pulls us in closer because we can’t wait to watch this spurned dad make this poor sack of a kid lick his boots. While we wait for this Jesus creates a twist. The dad greets him like a dignitary. He throws filet mignon on the hibachi, gives him a ring, Johnston & Murphy shoes and a Brooks Brothers suit. This isn’t fair! But the magician smiles and continues.
Now let’s introduce the character we can identify with: the older son. He’s indignant. “I’ve slaved for and never disobeyed you. I never even got a pizza party. This is mockery.” And the others standing around had to say, “Alright. Someone thinking clearly. A voice of justice. His dad needs a wake-up call and this son has the guts to delivers the goods.” And the magician smiles even more.
Now we are really following the action. How is Pops going to answer that? Will he come to his senses? Will he stop mollycoddling this younger son? “Son,” he begins. We usually miss this part because we are distracted by the story. The son just insulted his dad but he still calls him “Son.” Dad ignores the insults – dad as servant, brother as not part of the family. He reassures him that the younger son coming home has done nothing to damage his relationship with him. “All that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.” (vs. 31b-32)
Now we get it. The sleight of hand story distracted us that that we missed our resentment and begrudging forgiveness. Thanks to the Savior’s skillful storytelling, we didn’t even see it coming. How does the story end? How you finish it says a lot about you.
If you want the older son to hold his ground and skip the party and begrudge his father’s grace, well, Jesus shakes his head in sorrow. You don’t get that you are in God’s family by the same forgiving love that sent the Father’s Son to the cross for those sinners you think are worse than you.
It is fitting that those who do not forgive as they have been forgiven remain outside the celebration, because that is where they will spend eternity. They will not enjoy God’s love and forgiveness in Christ. But those who are rejoicing over this one sinner who repents will enter into the feast.
You and I enter by the same act of love by the Father – giving Christ Jesus into death on the cross. There He welcomes and dies for what you have squandered. He prepares a heavenly feast for you by which His Easter resurrection has made possible. You are given the clothes of an endless paradise.
Hasn’t the greatest of magicians given you a new perspective this Sunday morning? Some of you are living this story with your own children. So how does the story end for you?
The Lord knows. Trust Him. It is His grace and mercy that will make the difference.