December 2014 Usher/Elder Schedule

Dec 7Gerald Semelka, Jeff Piper, Matthew Holland, Steve ParryCraig CulpRyan Kleiboeker, Theron Noth
Dec 14Daryle Schempp, Nathan KluenderCurt KesslerBud Kessler, Greg McNeely, Marvin Huth
Dec 21John Hardy, Joshua Parry,Mike Field, Steve DavisPaul GerikeBryan Reichert, Holden Lueck
Dec 24
Christmas Eve
6PMMike FieldGene Fuller, Matthew Holland, Mike Huth, Richard Ross
Dec 25
Christmas Day
9AMSteve ParryAs Available
Dec 28Jeff Piper, Paul GerikeNathan KluenderBrian Dirks, Karson Lueck, Travis Henson
Dec 31
New Year's Eve
7PMJohn HardyCharles Nottingham, Craig Culp, Daryle Schempp, Steve Parry

Nov 16, 2014 Bulletin Announcements

TODAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOL the children will study the efforts Abraham made to ensure that his son Isaac would marry a person who loved God in the account of “Isaac and Rebekah.”  As a family discuss, “Why is it important to marry someone who shares your Christian faith?  What are the blessings of sharing your beliefs with your spouse?”

 THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:    Matthew 25:30:  “And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness.”  Why did the worthless servant act the way he did?  Because of what he believed about the Master.  He didn’t trust or love the Master – and so he did not demonstrate love and trust in his actions, but rather hate and mistrust.  It’s the same with us, but in reverse: since we know our Lord God to be faithful and kind, we desire to serve Him and render faithful service with what He has given us.

 2014 COMMITMENT CARD:  Your 2014 Commitment Card is available for pick-up in the narthex.  Today, November 16th, the new Commitment Cards will be handed out and Stewardship Sunday will be on November 23rd.

 TODAY is Good Shepherd’s Annual Voter’s Meeting following the 10:30 Worship Service.  We will have a potluck meal.  The church is providing the meat and drink.  Please bring a side dish or dessert.  The 2015 Budget proposal and the list of candidates for church offices are located in the narthex.

 TODAY is the deadline for items to be submitted for the DECEMBER NEWSLETTER.  Mandy Kluender is our Editor for the church newsletter and any announcements you want to be published in the Newsletter should be submitted to her at

 THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP:  Before Thanksgiving Thursday and Black Friday join us for Worship Wednesday under the theme: “The Good Life” as we praise our Lord and Savior for His many blessings.  This Thanksgiving Eve Communion Service will begin at 7:00 p.m. on November 26th.

 “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD TO COME”:  The Evangelism/Stewardship Committee invites everyone to be a part of decorating the church for Advent/Christmas.  We will gather in peace and joy to prepare for “the Light of the world to come”.  On Sunday, November 30th, following the 10:30 worship will be the time for this festive fellowship event.  We will enjoy that time honored Christmas traditional meal – pizza – provided by the congregation.  Do not be “asleep on the hay” but “let every heart prepare Him room” as we look forward to seeing you on the 30th.

CHRISTMAS 2014 ADOPT A FAMILY:  This year we have adopted a family of 4 for Christmas.  We have placed their requests on the tree in the narthex.  Choose an item or items to purchase and return these purchases, unwrapped, by Sunday, November 30th.  We have put a box next to the tree for those who would like to make a monetary donation.  Please make checks payable to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and put “Adopt a Family” in the memo line.  Katie Kleiboeker and Toni Lueck will purchase items with these funds.  Please take this opportunity to share your blessings with a family in need.

 FROM THE OFFICE:  We have a 2015 Large Print Scripture Text Calendar available for anyone who wants it.  See Pastor Lueck.

 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS:  If you would like a copy of your 2014 Financial Statement please see or call Joyce Schneider.

 ENERGY NEEDS ENVELOPES are still available on the table in the narthex.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “Clean And Thankful is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Luke 17:11-19.  Thanksgiving is not just a made-up holiday, it’s an attitude that is the key to life.  The speaker will be Reverend Gregory Seltz.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio,

Christmas 2014 Adopt a Family

 This year we have adopted a family of 4 for Christmas. We have placed their requests on the tree in the narthex. Choose an item or items to purchase and return these purchases, unwrapped, by Sunday, November 30th. We have put a box next to the tree for those who would like to make a monetary donation. Please make checks payable to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and put “Adopt a Family” in the memo line. Katie Kleiboeker and Toni Lueck will purchase items with these funds. Please take this opportunity to share your blessings with a family in need.

(Sun, 11-09-14, 10:30am) — “Checking Your Oil” — Matthew 25: 1-13

November 9, 2014 Text: Matthew 25:1-13

Dear Friends in Christ,

When it comes to preparation, how well do you do? Do you usually have things in order are you running around at the last minute? Did you know what you were going to wear to church today last night or was it a snap decision this morning because you were in a green mood? I had to prepare to deliver this message: read and study the text, check the commentaries, pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom, then sit down and do it. If you have schoolwork or a project at work you prepare. If you don’t, well you know the consequences of that decision. Think of these two-word phrases that can scare most of us: “pop quiz”, “surprise inspection”, “unvited guests”.
Another area of life where most of us prepare is when we take a trip. This tends to change as we age. In college my friends and I took my car to Daytona Beach, Florida and I don’t even remember checking the oil. I would not dream of doing that today. I get the oil changed in our cars regularly. It is good maintenance. It is good preparation. It is just plain smart. Today, in our text, we have ten virgins. Five have oil for their lamps. Five do not. Who is prepared and who is not?
In Jesus’ day, the couple’s parents would have arranged this marriage. Part of the joy and anticipation of the festivities would include the bridegroom coming to meet his bride. The bridegroom could come any time day or night. The bride was to be ready. The bridesmaids would help to keep her awake.
In the parable, we have half being wise and half being foolish. The Greek root of foolish is the English word moron. A moron is someone who lacks good judgment. The virgins are outwardly alike. In spite of this five of them did not have any oil. Oil symbolizes spirit and life. In other words, the foolish ones fell away from the faith. The flame of the lamp and its light is faith and its good works. The oil is grace through the Word. The lamp is our outward Christianity. The foolish virgins have the outward signs but inwardly are strangers to Christ. We need to be going back constantly for that oil. Checking your oil.
How does our faith look to the world? Is my lamp burning? Have I prepared? Have I checked the oil? Am I leaking oil as I get distracted by career, family, hobbies, anger, lust, greed. Not to mention worry and doubt. Do the distractions of this world cause us to run ourselves into the ground? Cause our light to flicker? Does our lamp become a burden?
God in his unconditional love goes to great lengths to protect our faith. Faith can die. Jesus talks about priorities and commitments. His desire, His plan, is to keep our lamps filled with oil so we can rejoice when he, the Bridegroom, arrives. Jesus is our Savior. He suffered and died for us. He gives us lamps. He lights our lamps. He fills our lamps with oil. He keeps our lamps full of oil.
How does He do this? Our lamps are filled with Christ through His Word. We need the oil that Holy Scripture can bring. In worship, oil is poured into our lamps so that we are prepared for whatever may come our way. At the font Christ filled you by washing you clean and warding off the attacks of Satan. At this Holy Table, where Christ enters your body and soul to forgive your sin, strengthen your faith in this difficult, fallen world, and where He promises you a place at the greater feast to come.
And when He comes, no matter when that will be, your lamps, your faith, your lives will be filled with Christ – the “one thing needful.”
Putting oil in our lamp is best accomplished as more than a once-a-week chore like filling the gas tank. It is more than a weekend hobby. It is an existence. We are prepared. Christ has prepared us. Jesus keeps us prepared. God keeps our lamps full of oil and our lights burning so that we can see the way to go. When are eyes are on Christ, his promise to us fills our lamps with oil.