October 5, 2014 Bulletin Announcements

Next Sunday  October 12th will be our 2nd Sunday Offering for Reverend Michael Kearney and Seminarian Christopher Suggitt.

Portals of Prayer  The October – December Portals of Prayer are available on the bookrack located in the narthex.  Large print also available.  Pick up your free copy today.

Thank you  The church has received a “Thank you” note from Seminarian Chris Suggitt thanking the congregation for your continued support.  The letter is posted on the bulletin board outside of the church office.

Fellowship Hosts  The sign-up for help with coffee/doughnuts is posted on the wall by the north stairwell.  We need an individual/family to sign up each week to pick up the donuts and make the coffee.  If no one is signed up by Friday of each week, the order will be cancelled.  We thank everybody who continues to help with this part of our church fellowship.

LWML Lutheran World Relief  The LWML ladies will be working on Health Kits again this year.  We would like to solicit your help in purchasing items for the Health Kits which will be sent to Lutheran World Relief.  The stores will soon have these items marked down for the college students that will be returning.  This is a wonderful opportunity to get great specials.  A list of items needed is on the table in the narthex.  If  you have questions, please feel free to call Joann Hart.  Thank you.

The Lutheran Hour  Today’s the Day for God’s Grace for All is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Revelations 7:9-12.  The ruins of ancient Pompeii show how life can change in an instant.  (Footsteps of St. Paul; Part 4)  The speaker will be Reverend Gregory Seltz.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720 AM) at 6am; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3pm.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7am and 7pm.  Tune in!  You can listen to the Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org

Celebrating October 2014


Thomas Anderson           10/1

E.F. Bud Barnett              10/2

Stacia Dowell                  10/10

Fern Noth                                10/10

Barry Hamlin                   10/11

Jessica Isaac                  10/11

Payton Biddle                  10/12

John Hardy                      10/12

Travis Henson                 10/15

Maria Kirchner                 10/15

Jacquelyn Semelka         10/17

Shane Miller                    10/21

Sierra Parker                   10/22

Audrey Gronert                10/23

Chloe Hitch                      10/23

Teresa Casselman          10/24

Abby Biddle                     10/25

Cheryl Reichert               10/28

Baptismal Birthdays

Eli McNeely                     10/2

William McNeely             10/2

Chad Lueck                     10/3

Brian Dirks                       10/4

Cortney Brewer               10/9

William Huber                  10/9

Andrea Reichert              10/9

Ryne Brewer                    10/13

Jessie Brown                   10/13

Michalene Hull                10/20

Cleo Korte                       10/20

Steve Davis                     10/27

Pastor’s Notes, October 2014

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Young children like to pretend they are adults.  How many of you women – when you were young – used to dress up in your mother’s clothes or put on her makeup?  How many of you men would sit in the car and pretend you were driving?  I use to stand in the pulpit and pretend that I was preaching.  When we are young, we want to grow up so that we can do grown-up things. 

We are proud of our kids when they mature and learn to do new things.  We say things like, “Cammie can now ride her bike.”  “Donavan is really learning to treat people with respect.”  Parents know what their kids need to grow and mature. 

How about in the church?   

At Good Shepherd we have in our bulletin announcements every week this:  “We believe children belong in worship.”  And they do, you know?  Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”  Isn’t it such a blessing to watch our kids mature in their faith?  They learn by our example to participate in the liturgy, to sing the hymns, to pray the Lord’s Prayer.  They see older siblings serve as acolytes or ushers and then they move into that role.  We nurture our children in the worship life of the church. 

I have always given my wife Toni a lot of credit for this with Karson and Holden.  She was the one in the pew with them.  I was leading worship.  I am proud of all of their accomplishments but to see them worship their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the greatest gift the Lord can give a parent.  I look forward to them being the spiritual leaders of their own household. 

Many times over the years it has been the children of the parish that point out something amiss in the liturgy or something not positioned right in the sanctuary.  They even like to point out when the Pastor speaks an incorrect word!  To me, that is a blessing because they are paying attention. 

We are all part of the church together – what a blessing!  May the Lord lead us to help one another to grow in our Christian faith. 

In Christ, 


October Usher and Elder Schedule

Oct 5Jeff Piper, John Hardy, Matthew Holland, Steve ParryBarry HamlinMike Huth, Theron Noth
Oct 12David Orr, Gerald SemelkaCraig CulpBud Kessler, Curt Kessler, Marvin Huth, Ryan Kleiboeker
Oct 19Daryle Schempp, Lucas Schempp, Mike Field, Paul GerikeCurt KesslerBryan Reichert, Karson Lueck
Oct 26Joshua Parry, Steve DavisPaul GerikeBrian Dirks, Greg McNeely, Holden Lueck, Travis Henson

September 28, 2014 Bulletin Announcements

Blood Drive  Our 2nd annual blood drive will be on Monday, September 29th from 2-6pm.  You may sign-up on the sheet in the narthex or at www.redcross.org and follow the “donate blood” box.  Sign-ups are also available for baked goods, helping at the reception desk or in the canteen (where food and drink are served after giving the gift of life).  If you have never given and need a reassuring word, please speak with Pastor Lueck, a long-time blood donor.

Portals of Prayer  The October – December Portals of Prayer are available on the bookrack located in the narthex.  Large print also available.  Pick up your free copy today.

Dave Orr Website  Our family has created a page about Dave’s health issues and what is still needed for him on a website entitled caringbridge.com.  Once the website is accessed just enter Dave Orr to access his page.  We truly are blessed with the outpouring of prayers and concern the members of Good Shepherd have shown us.  Many thanks and God Bless!  Dave and Pat Orr

Thank you  The church has received a “Thank you” note from Seminarian Chris Suggitt thanking the congregation for your continued support.  The letter is posted on the bulletin board outside of the church office.

Fellowship Hosts  The sign-up for help with coffee/doughnuts is posted on the wall by the north stairwell.  We need an individual/family to sign up each week to pick up the donuts and make the coffee.  If no one is signed up by Friday of each week, the order will be cancelled.  We thank everybody who continues to help with this part of our church fellowship.

Lost & Found  If you are missing an item please check out the Lost & Found located on the bulletin board in the church office.

LWML Lutheran World Relief  The LWML ladies will be working on Health Kits again this year.  We would like to solicit your help in purchasing items for the Health Kits which will be sent to Lutheran World Relief.  The stores will soon have these items marked down for the college students that will be returning.  This is a wonderful opportunity to get great specials.  A list of items needed is on the table in the narthex.  If  you have questions, please feel free to call Joann Hart.  Thank you.

You are invited  Our Redeemer Lutheran Church of Eureka will hold its 25th annual hog roast on this coming Saturday, October 4th from 4-7 pm.  Tickets are $10 in advance and $11 at the door for adults and $5 for children 12 and under.  Carryout is also available.  The menu is roast pork, barbeque sauce, potato salad, applesauce, baked beans, rolls and butter, cake or pie, and a drink.  Pastor Lueck has two complimentary tickets.  You can reserve tickets by calling Our Redeemer’s church office.

The Lutheran Hour  Show Me the Money?  No, Show Me Jesus!  is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Ephesians 2:8-10.  St. Paul urges us to get down to brass tacks, face faith facts, and trust in the Good News of God’s grace in Jesus.  (Footsteps of St. Paul; Part 4)  The speaker will be Reverend Gregory Seltz.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720 AM) at 6am; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3pm.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7am and 7pm.  Tune in!  You can listen to the Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org