Bulletin Announcements

March 19, 2017

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  Exodus 17:3:  But the people thirsted there for water, and the people grumbled against Moses and said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?”  Even the Israelites who saw miracles with their own eyes fall into unbelief and fear.  From this distance we can see how foolish their worry is.  How foolish will our worries appear from the distance of eternity?  The Lord cared for them, and He will care for us.

TODAY:  We welcome to our congregation this morning Jacob, Emily, Jacob Ryan and baby Hercamp.  Jacob is a Master of Divinity graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN.  He is currently studying for his S.T.M. (which he can explain in Bible Class).  Jacob will receive his call into the pastoral ministry of the LC-MS in April.  We will have our monthly door Offering for the Hercamp’s this morning and pray the Lord’s Blessings on their future in Christ’s church.

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m.  Seminarian Jacob Hercamp will speak.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

TODAY is the deadline for items to be submitted for the APRIL NEWSLETTER.  Mandy Kluender is our Editor for the church newsletter and any announcements you want to be published in the Newsletter should be submitted to her at mgkluender@hotmail.com or you may call her at (309) 838-9868.

MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP:  Lenten worship this week is on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.  We will gather under the theme: “He Had Been Wanting To See Jesus”, from Luke 23:6-12.  This is part of the “Ironies Of the Passion” Lenten Services.  Your duly elected Church Council members known for their leadership and culinary skills will dazzle you with their meal preparation set to begin at 5:30 p.m. in the well lit and cheery church basement.  The free-will Offering will be sent to the Hilbert’s and their work in Botswana for Lutheran Bible Translators.

LENTEN DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS AVAILABLE: “From The Cradle To The Empty Grave” is the title of the Lenten Devotional Booklets from Lutheran Hour Ministries is now available on the table in the narthex.  Pick up your copy today!

PORTALS OF PRAYER:  The April-June 2017 Portals of Prayer are available on the book rack located in the narthex.  Pick up your free copy today!

GOOD SHEPHERD’S ANNUAL TRIP TO FORT WAYNE, IN will be Saturday, April 1st –Sunday, April 2ndPlease have all donated items to church by Sunday, March 26th an place the donated items in the hall closet area on the 2nd floor.  We will need to do the packing that week.  Acceptable items are clothing for all sizes, ages and genders; kitchen items of all kinds; some household items would be acceptable.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Paula Hardy at (309) 829-8432.  Thank you!

CAMP CILCA SUMMER CAMP:  It is time to register for Camp CILCA Outdoor Ministries Summer Camp.  On the table in the narthex are brochures that detail the schedule; the ages for the different camps and the fee for that camp.  There is a discount if Registration is done by Friday, March 31st.  (The discount is $25.00 for a full week camp and $10.00 for a partial week.)  Some of you may want to consider sending a granddaughter or grandson to this week of fun, fellowship and worship!  Volunteers are needed.  The brochure details the needs and requirements.  Camp CILCA is near Springfield IL, northwest of the city, west of Sherman, IL, about 5 to 6 miles.  Camps start Sunday, June 4th.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Please get these dates on your calendar: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2-9:00 p.m. and Wednesday, May 24th, 2-9:00 p.m.  This is when we will be doing our Picture Directory through Lifetouch.

YOU ARE INVITED:  The internationally renowned Christus Chorus of Concordia University of St. Paul, Minnesota, will be performing at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1822 E. Lincoln, Bloomington on Saturday, April 8th at 7:00 p.m.   The choir’s concert: “A More Excellent Way”, proclaims the richness of God’s love through a wide variety of musical styles, from classical to spirituals, gospel to contemporary, hymns to film scores.  This concert is a unique opportunity to enjoy a time of uplifting music.  The performance is open to the public.  Feel free to invite friends!  A freewill Offering will be gathered to support the choir’s music ministry.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “God’s Got It In For Me” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from John 9:1-41.  God can use our troubles and crosses for a higher purpose that we may not understand until we reach heaven  Reverend Dr. Ken Klaus is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Sermon 3-12-2017 “Justification By Faith Alone Is A Big Deal.”

March 12, 2017 Text: Romans 4:1-8, 13-17

Dear Friends in Christ,

Back in the eighteenth century, the mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg sarcastically described the Lutheran as a man locked up in a dark room pacing back and forth repeating to himself: “I am justified by faith alone. I am justified by faith alone. I am justified by faith alone.” Justification by faith alone – is it really such a big deal? Or is it a merely a threadbare mantra chanted with monotony with no real purpose? After all isn’t there more than one entrée at the biblical buffet. This morning the Apostle Paul asserts that . . .
For us justification by faith alone means either being under a curse or blessing. Justification by faith alone means condemnation or acquittal. Justification by faith alone means it is a matter of life or death.
To bring this all home to his hearers, Paul showcases Abraham. Was Abraham made righteous because of his faith or his works? Here is the forefather of the Jews who had done works that were worth boasting about. But not before God.
The question of justification is quite inescapable for Abraham and for us. If you are not justified by faith, you will seek it elsewhere. Pay attention to the way people speak. Pay attention to your own language. No one wants to be wrong. We will find whatever words we can to declare ourselves and our actions and our attitudes as right. All of us are continuing to justify ourselves to each other that we talk right past one another.
Listen to eulogies at the funerals of unbelievers. Isn’t it curious that those who claimed not to believe in God are so pressed in the face of death to declare that the life now ended was right and good? They are feeble attempts to reckon the deceased as righteous with an appeal to his virtues as a husband and father, his athletic allegiance to The Illinois State University, his membership in the Kiwanis and his work on the board of the local bird sanctuary. Eulogies like this are empty and shallow at best; they do nothing to account the person as righteous before God. It works well in the obituary, but obituaries never get the dead out of the grave.
Here are just a few snippets from one day of obituaries in The Pantagraph. “He greatly enjoyed helping others, serving on the ESDA, camping, and gardening.” “He was an avid White Sox fan. He was a high school star athlete in football, basketball, and baseball. He coached Little League and was also a Boy Scout leader for many years.” “She enjoyed playing games with her grandchildren, quilting, and spending time watching wildlife at her home in Wisconsin.” “She was a hard worker who loved to make others happy with her delicious meals and helpful nature.” What would go in your obituary? Ours would read the same way. But how many of them have anything to do with saving faith?
Circumcision would not cut it for Abraham. Faith was there before circumcision. It is by faith, not the cutting of the flesh, that Abraham is reckoned righteous. Likewise to us, the righteousness that is ours is through faith in Christ Jesus and not by works of the Law.
And what is this faith that justifies? Trust, not in our works, which we sometimes use as measuring rods to make it clear we are in the right. Faith lets go of that and throws it in the garbage heap. In its place is trust in God, who justifies the ungodly. Listen to verse 5, “And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.”
Please remember this is not faith in faith. Faith must have an object outside of itself. It is faith in the promise. Abraham was the model of one who believed in the coming Messiah and so his faith was credited to him as righteousness.
It does not end with Abraham. For God who accounted him righteous does the same for you. Paul says these things were written not for Abraham’s sake alone but also for us, for the promise extends through Old Testament history into your hearing right now, for faith comes by hearing and the hearing, not of any word, but the Word of Christ, the words of the cross.
Faith in the cross of Jesus counts where our work as parent and spouse does not. Faith in the cross of Jesus counts where are allegiance to a university does not. Faith in the cross of Jesus counts where are work in a service organization does not. Faith in the cross of Jesus counts where our helpful nature and meal making and athletic skills do not. Faith in the cross of Jesus counts where were always having to be right does not. Faith in the cross of Jesus counts today in our daily life and tomorrow in our life to come. The cross of Jesus points to our righteousness.
Let’s make a deal – a big deal – out of justification by faith alone!

Bulletin Announcements

March 12, 2017

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”  This is perhaps the most well-known and well-beloved verse in the New Testament – and for good reason.  This simple Gospel message is the foundation for our whole life – our new life in Christ.  This new life is characterized by thankfulness and devotion to our Father who has provided for us so lavishly in Christ.

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m.  In conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we are studying about that time period with “The Word Endures: Lessons From the Lives of Powerful Politicians”.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP:  Our Lenten Worship this week under the theme: “Ironies Of the Passion” begins at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday.  The sermon: “Not During The Feast”.  Your brothers and sisters on the Evangelism/Stewardship Boards will present a gourmet meal (soup, sandwich, sides, dessert and stimulating conversation!) beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the ambience of your church basement.  The free-will Offering will go towards a new sign we are planning for our lower parking lot.  This will be an outreach as the Lord blesses.  Watch for more details coming soon.

OUR MARCH DOOR OFFERING for Seminarian Jacob Hercamp will be pushed back a week.  He will be here with his family next Sunday, March 19th.

NEXT SUNDAY is the deadline for items to be submitted for the APRIL NEWSLETTER.  Mandy Kluender is our Editor for the church newsletter and any announcements you want to be published in the Newsletter should be submitted to her at mgkluender@hotmail.com or you may call her at (309) 838-9868.

LENTEN DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS AVAILABLE: “From The Cradle To The Empty Grave” is the title of the Lenten Devotional Booklets from Lutheran Hour Ministries is now available on the table in the narthex.  Pick up your copy today!

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT:  Join us for another great movie this coming Friday, March 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement.  The movie is “MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN”; based on a true story.  “When Christy discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter’s healing as she searches for a solution.  After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired.”  There are plenty of comfortable seats and plenty of food.  See you Friday night!

GOOD SHEPHERD’S ANNUAL TRIP TO FORT WAYNE, IN will be Saturday, April 1st –Sunday, April 2ndPlease have all donated items to church by Sunday, March 26th and place the donated items in the hall closet area on the 2nd floor.  We will need to do the packing that week.  Acceptable items are clothing for all sizes, ages and genders; kitchen items of all kinds; some household items would be acceptable.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Paula Hardy at (309) 829-8432.  Thank you!

CAMP CILCA SUMMER CAMP:  It is time to register for Camp CILCA Outdoor Ministries Summer Camp.  On the table in the narthex are brochures that detail the schedule; the ages for the different camps and the fee for that camp.  There is a discount if Registration is done by Friday, March 31st.  (The discount is $25.00 for a full week camp and $10.00 for a partial week.)  Some of you may want to consider sending a granddaughter or grandson to this week of fun, fellowship and worship!  Volunteers are needed.  The brochure details the needs and requirements.  Camp CILCA is near Springfield IL, northwest of the city, west of Sherman, IL, about 5 to 6 miles.  Camps start Sunday, June 4th.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Please get these dates on your calendar: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2-9:00 p.m. and Wednesday, May 24th, 2-9:00 p.m.  This is when we will be doing our Picture Directory through Lifetouch.

YOU ARE INVTED:  Kammerchor, Concordia University Wisconsin’s select touring choir, will be singing during the worship services at Christ Lutheran Church of Normal, this coming Saturday, March 18th, at 5:30 p.m., and on Sunday, March 19th, at 8:00 and 10:45 a.m., as part of their 2017 spring tour.  Admission is free, but a freewill Offering will be collected.  The choir will be singing a program consisting of both accompanied and unaccompanied choral pieces in a variety of musical styles from the 1500s to the present.  For more information please call Patty Downey at (309) 452-5609.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “A Well That Runs Deep Because You Need It” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from John 4:5-26.  Jesus is determined to meet you today with the water of grace only He can give.  Reverend Dr. Gregory Seltz is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Sermon 3-05-2017 “That Sneaky Old Snake.”

March 5, 2017                                                                       Text:  Genesis 3:1-21


Dear Friends in Christ,


The marquee of a theater showed a man dressed as the devil because the current movie was about Satan.  The man was dressed in red, had a long tail, pitchfork, and horns.  A little girl, walking by with her mother, looked at the figure and was frightened.  “What’s that?” she asked her mother.  “Oh,” mother replied, “don’t be afraid.  That’s only the devil.”

That is our world.  Make the devil a caricature and he becomes less real, less frightening, and does he really exist?  Hell and damnation are not on many people’s radar so they can easily live the life they want.

Adam and Eve know the devil is all too real.  He comes to them today in the form of a snake created by God.  Do you ever think to yourself, “How could they be so dumb?  They had perfection as husband and wife.  No arguing about finances or who takes out the garbage or where on earth will we vacation this year.”  Would you or I have given in?  10 chances out of 9, we would!  Satan’s temptations are hard to resist.  That sneaky old snake is a forceful factor in the world.  He can deceive and seduce the best the human race has to offer.  Until Christ comes again this is our predicament.  Let’s take him seriously . . .


Satan has several descriptions in Scripture:  accuser, slanderer, adversary, enemy, opponent.  Jesus calls him a murderer, a liar, and the father of lies.  The Catechism reminds us that the devil was once a holy angel but then fell away from God.  He and his cohorts were created holy, sinned and are forever rejected by God.  They are great in number.

“That sneaky old snake” still challenges and seduces. Talking snakes?  Are you serious?  Who would be dumb enough to believe that?  That’s just some writer’s way of explaining how this world ended up as it is now.  Besides, do you believe Adam and Eve were real people and the only people in the world?  That’s just a way of describing the origins of the human race.  Satan doesn’t seduce today?  Satan laughs and laughs and laughs if we think like that.

What he did in the garden was to get our first parents to doubt God’s Word.  He lies to them.  The lying continues in our day.  People brought up in the church and who know God’s Word still think living together before marriage is not a sin.  Wake up!  Satan is winning.  He lies and tells men and women that gay marriage is just about love, not unnatural relations as described in the Bible.  Wake up!  Satan is winning.  He slithers past us and mentions we can be like God, because what does He really know anyways.  Wake up!  Satan is winning.  He turned Cain against Abel and he did quite the number on David and Bathsheba.  No one is off limits.  He even tries his seduction with Jesus as we see in today’s Gospel.

Be on guard, because he attacks all Christians, including you and me.  The noose of sin strangles and suffocates.  Take the sneaky old snake seriously.  Adam and Eve didn’t and it cost them and us death.  I’m naked, where can I hide?!

When preaching on this text it always is a reminder that we want to make the message of how to overcome simplistic.  Things like, “resist Satan’s assaults. Don’t do what Adam and Eve did.  Be strong against the wily one.”  Does this ever work?

We need help.  We need powerful, perfect help.  We need the strongest of the strong.  We need someone who overcame the sneaky old snake.  What’s that, someone did triumph over the devil?  Someone did resist and watched the devil walk away with his head in shame.

Isn’t the symmetry of the Scripture lessons beautiful this day?  Christ met the foe and he slithered away.  In His human nature he resisted the taunts and the goading and the challenge.  In His human nature He took the verbal punches and the subversive tactics to a place called Golgotha.  There for all the world of sinners to see He gave His life so that the old evil foe would be defeated.  Before His glorious resurrection, He took a little trip to tell Satan that He had won.  Satan would still have power but it would be limited and it would not last forever.  Through the one man free grace and righteousness is ours.  Grace reigns eternal.  While Satan is winning small battles here, the Eternal One passes on the eternal victory to us.

To resist this sneaky old snake we daily need these reminders.  Where are those found?  In the Holy Book.  Jesus used it.  Each time Satan came to attack him he said, “It is written.”  It is not enough to know the Scriptures so well that you can quote them.  Anyone – including Satan – can do that.  We must know what the Scriptures say and mean for us.  We must believe their message.

Take the devil seriously.  He is not some goofball in a 10 cent costume straight from a Hollywood back lot.  He is a formidable foe and his crafty and cunning seem to be working the world over.  Remember Christ holds the power.  Christ lived the perfection.  Christ is the ultimate snake handler and this belly crawling despot has met his match.  Good riddance sneaky old snake – now crawl away from here – I’ve got a Savior watching over me!
