Sermon Text 2024.02.28 — Testimony
February 28, 2024 – Lent Text: Matthew 26:57-75
Dear Friends in Christ,
“After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, ‘Certainly you too are one of them, for your accent betrays you.’” His accent gave him away as a follower of Christ. Peter was from the north, Bethsaida by the sea of Galilee, the trial is in the south, Jerusalem. You understand that, up north it is “Minnesota.” Down south they ask, “How y’all doin?” Even in Illinois. In college I knew the kids from Chicagoland by their speech.
What Christian accent would give you away as a follower of Christ? Your speech? The words you use? How you react in stressful situations? The cross you wear around your neck? Like Peter you cannot hide. The necktie at the hospital might give me away, but the clerical collar surely will. I’m not there to perform surgery. I come representing Christ. Do you see your vocation the same way?
Tonight, in our “God on Trial” series there are two men getting grilled. One outside. One inside. Let’s listen in to their . . . .
Let’s start with the man inside. A parade of liars all take their turns on the stand but give nothing but false testimony. Jesus refuses to be dragged into the foolishness. He says nothing, but His silence speaks loudly. Then He gets the big question, “Are you the Christ, the Son of God?” He confesses the truth, “I am.” It is such shattering testimony that the chief priest tears his robes. A little dramatic, don’t you think? Here is the drama, “He deserves death.”
Meanwhile, we go to the man outside. The fisherman from Galilee had been warned this moment was coming. The pressure starts, “You also were with Jesus the Galilean.” Jesus born in the south, but raised in the north. Pressure builds. “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.” Is he going to hold out? The drama builds. Then the verbal joust to the midsection, “You are one of them, for your accent betrays you.” He crumbles and swears, “I do not know the man.” The rooster crows. His heart aches.
Ever been cornered by a question like that? “Boy, you aren’t from around here, are you? I’ve seen you get up early on Sunday morning and drive somewhere. You going to church, boy?” It is time for your testimony. What do you say?
Sometimes the pressure can be real, depending on your family, your friends, your workplace environment. In a moment of pressure, we might think we are better off not being counted as a disciple of Jesus.
Matthew doesn’t record it, but Luke does. When the rooster crowed, “The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.” (Luke 22:61) Ouch. Have you see a face like that? When you buckled under the pressure and lied? The face of a parent or a teacher. And it hurts. Then the truth comes out, and that same face gave love and forgiveness . . . and maybe a hug.
Look at the face of Jesus. He is calling you back to Him. Even when you fail to claim Him, He still wants to claim you. He shows you His bruises and his blood not to shame but to reveal how much He loves you. What abuse He absorbs for you. This is the Son of God, who answers to no one yet stands trial and suffers to save you.
Listen to his testimony. He says He is the Messiah. He is God’s anointed One, the one chosen to take your place. You have been connected to Him through baptism. When your testimony is weak or non-existent, He steps in and confesses as though He were you. Consider it a gift to be put on the witness stand and be associated with Jesus.
It is an opportunity. Peter learned this. Jesus’ look called him to repentance. After the resurrection from the dead, Jesus restored Peter and called him to feed his sheep. Years later, Peter wrote a letter to some of those sheep. They were Christian citizens who stood out in society – they honored their government, wives who submitted to their husbands, husbands who were considerate of their wives, believers who were willing to suffer for doing good. People would ask them, “What makes you different?’ And Peter encouraged them to be ready to give a reason for their hope in Jesus.
Friends, I hope your Christian accent gives you away. I hope people notice that as disciples of Jesus you speak and act differently. May we be blessed if people accuse us of being with Jesus. It will give us a chance to tell them about a man who was the Son of God and Son of Man, the Messiah, who came for us and will come again. That is our testimony.