Bulletin Announcements

December 9, 2018

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

FAITH IN ACTION OF BLOOMINGTON/NORMAL:   One ride, one visit, one Senior at a time.  Need a ride?  Want to volunteer?  Need more information?  Call (309) 827-7780; or email: office@bnfia.org or contact Barry Hamlin at (309) 750-9424.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m.

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  Luke 3:4 – “As it is written in the Book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’ ”  God makes long-range plans: Isaiah lived more than 700 years before St. John the Baptist preached by the Jordan River.  Obviously, God sees farther into the future than we do.  That’s yet another reason to trust Him when it comes to how He tells us to live our lives.  He knows what’s coming, and we don’t.

TODAY is our 2nd Sunday door Offering for our Seminarian Mr. Joseph Schlie.  This week’s meal Offering will also go to Mr. Schlie.  Joseph and his wife Kristen are with child to be born next year, please keep them in your prayers.

OUR ADVENT SERVICE under the theme: “Who Is Jesus?” continues this week at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday.  The message: “Jesus Is The Son of Abraham”.  A meal is served at 5:30 p.m. in the cozy surroundings of your church basement.  To sign-up to bring a delectable food item please do so on the table in the narthex.

THE ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS,  “The Coming King”, is available on the table in the narthex.  Pick up your free copy today!

IT’S TIME TO ORDER POINSETTIAS:  There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex to order your “Poinsettia” to be placed on the altar for Advent/Christmas.  The cost is $8.00 each.  You will need to sign-up by Wednesday, December 19th.  You may take your poinsettia home following the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, January 6, 2019.  There will be an envelope  available with the sign-up sheet for you to place your check or money order in.  Please make your check payable to: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and indicate “Poinsettia” on the memo line.  If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Kwasny at (309) 662-4995 or Luanne Huth (309) 829-6897.  Thank you!

CAN YOU HELP: John and Paula Hardy are planning their annual trip to Ft Wayne, IN.  It will be sometime after the holidays, hopefully mid-January. The Seminary needs clothes for men, women, and children. They also accept shoes, coats, and kitchen supplies.  Please be sure all donated items are clean and in good repair.  Please bring your donations to the church.  There is a closet located in the hall upstairs where items are collected, and packed for our trip.  If you need help finding it just contact John (309) 310-7917.  Thank you!

YOU ARE INVITED to Christ Lutheran Church, 311 N. Hershey Road in Normal, TODAY from 5-7:00 p.m. for “Journey to the Manger”.  Free Tours include: Live drama and animals; Singing and music; Indoor and outdoor scenes and hot chocolate and cookies.  A meal will also be available for purchase from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.  If you have any questions please call the church at (309) 452-5609.

EARN A RETURN AND HELP OUR LCMS CHURCHES:  The Central Illinois District Church Extension Fund (CID-CEF) provides resources to churches in our Central Illinois District that wish to grow God’s ministry through building or expansion.  We are able to do this because of conscientious LCMS members like you who support our churches by investing in the CID-CEF – we need your continued support and investments!  As an added blessing for your investment, we are now offering a 24-Month SPECIAL RATE of 2.35% (minimum investment $500) to you as well as our church organizations to support the LCMS ministry.  Please contact Chris Anderson or Susan Short at the CID-CEF: phone: (217)793-1802, e-mail cef@cidlcms or visit our website www.cidlcms.org, (see link in lower left corner) for this special interest rate and other recent rate increases for our investment options.  Thank you for investing in the future of our LC-MS!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “In Anxious Times – Rejoice!” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Philippians 4:4-7.  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.  With anxiety on the rise, the Apostle Paul’s call to “rejoice always” seems all but unobtainable.  While there are many helpful ways to cope with society’s increasing anxiety, Paul points us to a frequently overlooked source of joy and peace, God’s grace in Christ.  The speaker will be Reverend Dr. Michael Ziegler.  Hear his message on The Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org. 

FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE:  If you miss church, please be reminded that copies of the previous week’s sermon are available on the table in the narthex.  Also, the sermon will be available on our web site at www.goodshepherdblm.org.  Thank you.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Elder, Usher, and Acolyte Schedules December 2018

Elder and Usher Schedule

Dec 9Jeff Piper, Lucas PiperNathan KluenderCurt Kessler, Greg McNeely, Theron Noth
Dec 16Daryle Schempp, Gene Fuller, Richard RossMike FieldMike Huth, Randy Reinhardt
Dec 23Gerald Semelka, Steve ParryPaul GerikeBob Love, Brian Dirks, Bud Kessler
Dec 246PMCraig CulpJoshua Parry, Nick Hitch
Dec 259AMRandy ReinhardtDaryle Schempp, Gerald Semelka, Mike Field
Dec 30Jeff Piper, Lucas Piper, Steve ParryBarry HamlinCurt Kessler, Greg McNeely, Theron Noth
Dec 317PMBarry HamlinGene Fuller, Randy Reinhardt, Richard Ross

Acolyte Schedule

Dec 9Pastor/ElderJustin McNeely
Dec 16Chloe HitchPastor/Elder
Dec 23Pastor/ElderJessica Isaac
Dec 246PMClayton Piper
Dec 259AMPastor/Karson/Holden
Dec 30Tanner HitchWill McNeely
Dec 317PMJT Piper

Stewardship Corner December 2018

Throughout his epistles and his preaching recorded in the Book of Acts, St. Paul refers, in one way or another, to thanksgiving and thankfulness nearly 50 times.  Whether vertically toward God, or horizontally toward the neighbor, thanksgiving is a major theme within St. Paul’s body of work.


What does this mean?  It means thankfulness is intrinsic to the life of those baptized into Christ. In other words, giving thanks is what Christians do as they live out their lives in this world.


The problem is that we often forget this.  Consider your average, run-of-the-mill, normal day. When you get home, and your parents, your spouse or your children ask about your day, what first comes to your mind?  After 99 percent of things went right, went exactly as planned, were enjoyable and blessings, we tend to focus on and remember the 1 percent of things that went poorly, that didn’t go as planned, and that were nuisances.


We remember the bad things.  We focus on discontent.  And we fail to give thanks in all circumstances for everything (Eph. 5:20) and to rejoice in the Lord always (Phil. 4:4).


Thankfulness and contentment go together.  We are content with things for which we are thankful.  St. Paul could be content with having plenty or when in need because He gave thanks to the Lord for all things.  He thanked the Lord for those who had prayed for him and listened to his proclamation of the Gospel.  He gave thanks for their good works in and for the Church of Christ. He gave thanks for the grace of God in Christ Jesus and found that God’s grace was sufficient for him.


So, give thanks for all things and in all circumstances dear brothers and sisters in Christ.  For you have been saved from sin, death, and hell by the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. You have been added to the very family of God in an adoption of grace through Holy Baptism. God is your Father.  Our Lord, Jesus Christ is your brother.


But He not only provides for your spiritual well-being, He cares also for this body and life.  Your Father in heaven provides food and clothes, house and home, husband, wife, and children.  He gives you reason and all your senses.  He has given you the raw talents that you have developed into careers.  Everything you are and everything that you have is a gift from His fatherly divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in you.


Give thanks for these things.  Make a list – every morning if you must.  Say them out loud.  Sing about them within the congregation of the saints.  And remember this: God has given you these things so that you may be of service to those around you – your family, your neighbors, your brothers and sisters in Christ.  For to whom much is given; much shall be required (Luke 12:48).

Celebrating December 2018


Matthew Culp                  Dec  3

Jacob Piper                     Dec  3

Eli McNeely                     Dec  6

Kaitlin Culp                      Dec  7

Brian Hitch                       Dec  7

Kimberly King                  Dec 10

Jason Williamson            Dec 11

Bill Nelson                       Dec 13

Johana Kirchner              Dec 14

Katie Kleiboeker              Dec 15

Karson Lueck                  Dec 17

Mo Dale                           Dec 19

Matthew Holland              Dec 19

Heidi Doddek                   Dec 20

Ann Hammond                        Dec 20

Devin Kemp-Golden        Dec 24

Tanner Hitch                    Dec 28

Audrie King                      Dec 30

Baptismal Birthdays

Karen Dale                             Dec  1

Theron Noth                          Dec  1

Caleb Evans                          Dec  4

Curt Kessler                           Dec  5

Abby Biddle                           Dec 16

Gordon Schroeder                Dec 18

Jeanette McNeely                 Dec 20

Payton Biddle                        Dec 23

Katie Kleiboeker                    Dec 23

Jacob Piper                           Dec 23

John Campbell                      Dec 25

Maria Kirchner                       Dec 28

Heidi Doddek                         Dec 29

Karson Lueck                        Dec 29

Pastor’s Notes December 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


One of the sayings in the church or maybe we should say used to be in the church is this:  “C and E Christians.”  Do you know what this means?  The C stands for Christmas and the E for Easter.  The idea behind the saying is that some Christians only came to worship on Christmas and Easter.  “Why do they always sing ‘Silent Night’ and ‘Jesus Christ is Risen Today’ don’t they know anything else?”


In the last 10 years the C and E Christian is becoming extinct.  While not consistently worshipping these souls were at least hearing the Gospel a couple of times a year.  The good news of sins forgiven and an eternity beyond our existence on earth could provide hope for them.  As Scripture says, “How can they believe if they do not hear?”  It is more of a challenge. There are less funeral services where the Law lies in the casket through death but Christ gives peace and comfort.  How many are not hearing this message because of rapid cultural changes?


From the very beginning of his life the Savior was someone to see.  “Magi…came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews?  We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’” (Matt. 2:1-2)  Worship Him.  This is what we do with the One who gave His life for us.  It is the faith we carry daily.  It is in our prayers.  It is strengthened in the hearing of His Word and the eating and drinking of His body and blood.


Have drifted even farther from your C and E life?  Your Savior longs to see you.  He longs to talk with you.  He longs to provide you His grace and mercy.  He waits for you with open arms.


Your church family is praying for you, as am I.  “Come to worship Him.”  See you in His House.



In Christ’s Love,


Pastor Lueck


Bulletin Announcements

December 2, 2018

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:   Luke 19:31 –  “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this:  ‘The Lord has need of it.’ ” Consider the faithfulness of that man who owned the donkey and colt. All he needed to hear was, “The Lord has need of it,” and he willingly gave. The Lord has given each of us various callings in life – in our homes, in the Church, and in our communities.  In each calling we have good work to do, and that comes from the Lord’s hand.  The Lord has need of us in each calling. How is He calling you to generous giving in each of your vocations?

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m.

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

FAITH IN ACTION OF BLOOMINGTON/NORMAL:   One ride, one visit, one Senior at a time.  Need a ride?  Want to volunteer?  Need more information?  Call (309) 827-7780; or email: office@bnfia.org or contact Barry Hamlin at (309) 750-9424.

TODAY:  The Evangelism/Stewardship Board is sponsoring a “Decorate the Church for Advent/Christmas” gathering after the 10:30 Worship Service TODAY.  The Board will provide lunch, you provide muscle and jolliness!

OUR ADVENT SERVICES begin this week under the simple theme: “Who Is Jesus?”  The message: “Jesus Is The Son of David”.  Worship begins at 7:00 p.m.  Preceding our time in the Lord’s House we gather for food and fellowship in the church basement from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.  The food sign-up is in the narthex and this week’s free-will Offering will go to Wittenberg Lutheran Student Center.

THE ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS,  “The Coming King”, is available on the table in the narthex.  Pick up your free copy today!

THE BABY FOLD SHARING TREE is up in the narthex.  Please have your un-wrapped items to church by TODAY!  If you wish to give a monetary donation please make your check payable to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and indicate on the memo line “Baby Fold”.  If you have any questions please see Paula Hardy or Toni Lueck.  Thank you!

IT’S TIME TO ORDER POINSETTIAS:  There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex to order your “Poinsettia” to be placed on the altar for Advent/Christmas.  The cost is $8.00 each.  You will need to sign-up by Wednesday, December 19th.  You may take your poinsettia home following the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, January 6, 2019.  There will be an envelope  available with the sign-up sheet for you to place your check or money order in.  Please make your check payable to: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and indicate “Poinsettia” on the memo line.  If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Kwasny at (309) 662-4995 or Luanne Huth (309) 829-6897.  Thank you!

YOU ARE INVITED to Christ Lutheran Church, 311 N. Hershey Road in Normal, NEXT SUNDAY, December 9th, from 5-7:00 p.m. for “Journey to the Manger”.  Free Tours include: Live drama and animals; singing and music; indoor and outdoor scenes, and hot chocolate and cookies.  A meal will also be available for purchase from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.  If you have any questions please call the church at (309) 452-5609.

EARN A RETURN AND HELP OUR LCMS CHURCHES:  The Central Illinois District Church Extension Fund (CID-CEF) provides resources to churches in our Central Illinois District that wish to grow God’s ministry through building or expansion.  We are able to do this because of conscientious LCMS members like you who support our churches by investing in the CID-CEF – we need your continued support and investments!  As an added blessing for your investment, we are now offering a 24-Month SPECIAL RATE of 2.35% (minimum investment $500) to you as well as our church organizations to support the LCMS ministry.  Please contact Chris Anderson or Susan Short at the CID-CEF: phone: (217)793-1802, e-mail cef@cidlcms or visit our website www.cidlcms.org, (see link in lower left corner) for this special interest rate and other recent rate increases for our investment options.  Thank you for investing in the future of our LC-MS!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “Redeemer With a Capital ‘R’” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Ruth 3-4.  When people use the word “redeem” outside of religious context, they tend to use it in a commercial sense-redeeming points from purchases or casino tokens for cash.  In the Bible, the word “redeem” is used in a family setting.  In the story of Ruth, Boaz is a “kinsman redeemer”, who points to Jesus, our capital-Redeemer.  Jesus has done more than pay our points.  He redeems by bringing us into His clan, His people, His household, that we might be with Him forever.  The speaker will be Reverend Dr. Michael Ziegler.  Hear his message on The Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org. 

FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE:  If you miss church, please be reminded that copies of the previous week’s sermon are available on the table in the narthex.  Also, the sermon will be available on our web site at www.goodshepherdblm.org.  Thank you.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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