Bulletin Announcements September 1, 2019
THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP: Luke 14:11 – “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That’s called humility. The Lord is God, and we are not. With that in mind, how could we not seek to follow His Word in all aspects of life? He knows what He is talking about; we don’t. If you believe that, then striking out on a path of faithfulness in the realm of stewardship is a lot easier. It just makes sense.
FAITH IN ACTION OF BLOOMINGTON/NORMAL: One ride, one visit, one Senior at a time. Need a ride? Want to volunteer? Need more information? Call (309) 827-7780; or email: office@bnfia.org or contact Barry Hamlin at (309) 750-9424.
OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).
THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m.
NEXT SUNDAY, September 8th, we will have a door Offering for our new Seminary student. Aaron Wendorff will be the student we support for the 2019-2020 school year. Aaron is married and has two daughters. He is from Minnesota and Nebraska. He is in his fourth and final year at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
FROM THE OFFICE: The church now has a new email address. Our new email address is: office@goodshepherdblm.org.
SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDY will begin NEXT SUNDAY, September 8th at 5:00 p.m. The class is studying “Lutheranism 101: Worship”. If you have not been a part of this class but would like to join please talk with Group Leader, Steve Parry or Pastor Lueck.
THANK YOU: The LWML would like to thank everyone for the donations of school supplies. We have enough to fill 75 school kits! We now need boxes to ship the school kits and 25-30 quilts to the Lutheran World Relief warehouse. Paper boxes are ideal but if you have anything similar in size, we would much appreciate the donation. Thank you!
GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES is on September 20th at 6:30 p.m. From Cary Soloman and Church Konzelman, the writers/co-producers of “God’s Not Dead”, comes a film that speaks to one of the most polarizing topics of our time. “Unplanned” brings us an eye-opening look inside the abortion industry through one woman’s inspiring true story of transformation. All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. She believed in a woman’s right to choose, and as one of the youngest Planned Parenthood Clinic Directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at “40 Days For Life”, and become one of the most ardent pro-life advocates in America. Join us for a very good, intense and thought provoking movie. There will be plenty of food and wonderful fellowship.
FELLOWSHIP HOSTS: In order to get more people involved in our Coffee/Donut Fellowship for 2019 we have two separate sign-ups: Donut Pick-up and Coffee Set-up. We would like to encourage you to sign-up for one or the other. You may also sign-up for both if you wish. The sign-up sheet is by the door by the north stairwell.
THE ANNUAL FUNDRAISING LIFE BANQUET FOR “LIVING ALTERNATIVES: PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER” is Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bloomington. Contact the Center at (309) 454-5433 to make your reservation. The guest speaker is Mr. Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family.
THE WHIPPOORWILL CHALLENGE GOLF SCRAMBLE to benefit Camp CILCA is set to tee off on Friday, September 27th at 1:00 p.m. The venue is Hickory Point Golf Course in Forsyth, IL. Cost of $60.00 covers golf cart, and dinner. Make checks payable to “CID Gold Fundraiser” and give to Pastor Lueck. Entry deadline is Sunday, September 15th.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR: “Play Your Art” is the topic for next Sunday. The sermon text will be from Genesis 2. We each have a part to play on God’s stage-with a script, without a tryout, with freedom and responsibility. How will you play your part? Reverend Dr. Michael Zeigler and his guest, Dr. Charles Arand, discuss our place in God’s creation and our role in caring for it Hear his message on The Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tune in! You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.
FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE: If you miss church, please be reminded that copies of the previous week’s sermon are available on the table in the narthex. Also, the sermon will be available on our web site at www.goodshepherdblm.org. Thank you.
PRAYER CIRCLE: If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582. The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.
August 25, 2019 Text: Isaiah 66:18-23
Dear Friends in Christ,
Your mission, dear Christian, should you accept it, is to share the Word of the Lord before the coming judgment. Your main, adversary, Beelzebub, also known as Satan, will be working like the devil to thwart the cause. He has made inroads in formerly Christian nations and is looking to imprison the world in their sin. He is backed by a legion of followers working to conquer the world. We want you and the billions of other Christians to fight back with the flaming sword of the Gospel. You do not go out alone the Holy Spirit is there to back you up. God Bless. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds.
At first it seems unexpected that Yahweh, the God of Israel, would set out to gather the nations to himself and save them. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, His treasured possession. In stark contrast, the nations were to be slaughtered and scattered, not gathered. They were outsiders. Unholy and unclean, an offense to Yahweh. We are like them. Before a Holy God we are outsiders and unclean and unworthy of Yahweh’s attention.
These very nations would be used to carry out his mission to save the nations. But these are the enemies. In a few short years from this text the Assyrians are going to destroy half of Israel. One hundred years after that the Babylonians descend and destroy the other half and carry them into exile. We are numbered among the enemies of Yahweh. It seems preposterous then that Yahweh would use those who were His enemies to carry out His mission. This mission is unexpected and it looks impossible.
For Yahweh, for our God, the unexpected becomes the expected and the impossible, becomes possible. It was expected that Yahweh would save the nations and gather them to himself. His missionary heart is to save people of all nations and people and language. Once Adam and Eve sinned, the Lord promised a Savior that would defeat Satan for them. John saw this picture when he wrote the Book of Revelation. “A great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” (Rev. 7:9)
God accomplished this by sending Jesus Christ as our Savior, the one who loved the whole world. As He is lifted on the cross, Jesus draws all people to Himself. Through faith in this forgiveness we have through the death and resurrection of Jesus we are no longer filthy but clean, no longer enemies of Yahweh but His own children.
The expectation of God is that the nations take on the mission. He could have just used Himself or his angels but He chose to give this task to His people. Israel was given this mission, but they forgot its purpose. Israel was meant to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. The task now falls on the people and nations that were Yahweh’s enemies.
Are you ready and willing for the mission? The Lord expects us to be a part of this life and death struggle. What a privilege to be His “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that we may proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Pet. 2:9)
This mission we take on is both inward and outward. It is inward because the Lord gathers and strengthens us for the work through Word and Sacrament. It is outward because God is sending us out to declare his glory to the nations. In this mission not everyone is the chief – you may not be called to be a Pastor or a missionary overseas or in North America. No matter, the chief can only win the battle with help from the Indians – everyone in the Christianity camp has the joyful privilege of being a witness where God has placed you. You have family and friends. You have work and live in a community. You serve on boards and interact with the men and women that the Lord allows to enter your lives.
This mission will not be accomplished in an hour TV show or a two-hour movie. There will be self-destruction and pain along the way. When you have watched the TV show or the movies you go into it knowing one thing: the impossible is going to be possible. Jim Phelps and Ethan Hunt are going to win.
From the day you entered the waters of Holy Baptism your winning path was set. Our Creator God set things in motion so that you and I would have an eternal victory. It was guaranteed and sealed at Calvary’s Cross by the One who accomplished the mission – Jesus Christ. We are now asked to share the message before the world self-destructs and Christ returns. We are graciously gathered and graciously sent.
Sermon Text 8.18.2019 — Remove a Benign Faith
August 18, 2019 Text: Luke 12:49-53
Dear Friends in Christ,
I love word origins and word meanings. I get to study them when preparing sermons and Bible studies. Our word for today is “benign.” If you have had a tumor you want to hear “benign” and not “malignant.” Do you know the actual definition in the dictionary of benign? Here are the two meanings: 1.) “Of a gentle disposition. 2.) “Of a mild kind.”
This is not a medical sermon but we are going to take a scalpel and cut away at a faith that many have – benign. Gentle, mild, comfortable. A faith that makes it’s home in the world. Nurse, may I have the text please. Let’s cut away and . . .
The first cut is made with the first verse of our text. “Jesus said, ‘I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled.” (v. 49) Jesus is no weak, mealy-mouth Savior. He spells things out. He pronounces His judgment.
Let’s cut a little deeper. “I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished.” (v. 50) What baptism? This is a figurative way of referring to the cross. Jesus is torn between two emotions. On one hand, Jesus cannot but dread his impending death on the cross. On the other, there is glory for Him and all humankind beyond the grave, thus His eager expectation.
His death is a must. “The Son of Man must suffer…must be killed…I must keep going.” Why must he do this? Because He loves you and me so much. He desires our forgiveness through His baptism of blood. This cut removes personal pain because we don’t have to sit in the shadows and wonder – Does God love me? This makes our benign, mild faith look silly. He died and rose for you. The ultimate sacrifice. The greatest show of love the world has ever seen.
The next cut is even more dramatic. Nurse, please wipe my brow. “Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division?” Men and women need this surgery. How many have such a benign faith that they blame God for their troubles? The tumor of faith goes from benign to malignant as they seek someone, something to pin their shattered dreams on.
You don’t need a billboard from the pulpit to see how timely this verse is today. Jesus’ peace is between God and man. Not a peace that stops wars or killings or death or destruction. The patient is looking for the wrong cure. This is because the cross of Jesus divides. When 25% of our American society now says they have no faith the division is widening. Worldviews are different. The eyes of morality see things differently. The answer is nowhere to some and everywhere to others.
The last cut is the deepest and pierces the soul. I am going to need more suction here! “For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and so against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” (vs. 52-53
No surprise for the Biblically knowledgeable. Remember the words of Simeon in the temple? “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against…” (Luke 2:34)
Many of you in the pews this morning are living these verses. Your heart aches for a child, a grandchild, a spouse, a brother, a sister. While I don’t hurt for my immediate family my soul is pierced by our Good Shepherd family. I too am seeking answers for why there are less people in the pews. Why families and individuals who use to be active in church now find something else to do with their time. I ponder a benign faith lying on the operating table not seeing the danger that can land them in the fiery morgue because of turning their back on Jesus.
We are crying to the Lord for answers. What can we do? The remedy for this malady is really quite simple: What Can He Do. He can love you. He can show you mercy and grace. He can quiet your fear. He can help you breathe when it hurts so bad. He can change hearts. He is the greatest heart transplant surgeon this world has ever seen. Trust Him. There may be hurt along the way. Frustration. This Doctor of your salvation can cure all. He can take your benign faith and make it alive. His Word and Sacrament are the post-surgical medicine your body needs. Then hope in Christ and live that hope because the world is watching. They want to see if we really believe in what Christ has given to us.
A Pastor was making a trellis for a climbing vine. Pounding away at the nails he was watched by a young man. The boy kept watching. The Pastor finally asked, “Do you want me to show you what to do?” “No, thanks,” said the little shaver, “I am just waiting to see what a preacher says when he hits his thumb with a hammer!”
We are being watched and scrutinized. When the neighbors see you leave the house on a Sunday morning in the dead of winter in your good clothes or they see you shoveling just to get out of your driveway to make it to the Lord’s House. You are a church person – a person of faith – and plenty know it. The world sizes up the reality of the faith we profess.
A non-benign faith is an active and committed faith. Warren W. Wiersbe said: “You are a Christian today because somebody cared. Now it’s your turn.” Don’t you agree? Lord please help us cut away forever . . . a benign faith.