Pastor’s Notes March 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

            Any time you make a change in a church some planning has to go into it.  Such is the case with our change in Worship, Bible Class, and Sunday School on Sunday mornings.  Some changes in a church affect a group here or there.  This type of change affects everyone who is a member and even those who are not members but worship with us occasionally.  When discussing this change a list was made of everything that needs to be thought about.  If you think we left something out, let us know. 

Ushers – we just need one set

Acolytes – needed every service as Holy Communion will be in every worship service

Altar Guild – one service, more preparation numbers wise

Organist – one service

Heating/Cooling – can kick on later, does not need to be on as long

Fellowship Time – donut pick-up time change

Church Signage – our sign company is aware and will make the change (the one area where there is a small cost) & Lutheran Annual – changing the times for people traveling who look up our worship time

Holy Communion – every worship service

Member Rides – coordinating this 

The last thing on the list – How Best To Get The Word Out.  This is where you can help.  We can all tell our friends and relatives and people who might visit.  At least in the first few months this will be important until we get into a routine.

We can also expect a time or two where people show up expecting our former worship times.  Greet them and the Lord gives an opportunity to visit with them and tell them about our change.

Easter worship times will remain the same – 7:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.  Easter breakfast following the early service.  Bible Class & Sunday School at 9:15 a.m.

I have learned in the church you can never tell people too many times.  After all, don’t we hear Law/Gospel each week and the Lord knows we need the constant reminder.  So, again here is the new schedule starting on Sunday, March 1st.

Worship – 9 a.m. with Holy Communion – Fellowship time to follow

Bible Class & Sunday School – 10:15 a.m. – ending at 11:15 a.m.

Thank you for the feedback we have received.  Everyone seems to understand the need for the change.  See you in worship – when we are all together!

In Christ,


Elder, Usher, and Acolyte Schedules March 2020

Mar 1Nathan KluenderGene Fuller, Nick Hitch, Richard RossTanner Hitch
Mar 8Mike FieldBrian Hoop, Craig Culp, Mike HuthJessica Isaac
Mar 15Paul GerikeGreg McNeely, Theron Noth, Will McNeelyJT Piper
Mar 22Craig CulpBrian Dirks, Karson Lueck, Steve ParryMatt Williamson
Mar 29Karson LueckBarry Hamlin, Bob Love, Randy ReinhardtChloe Hitch or Justin McNeely

Sermon Text 2.23.2020 — Living the Now Between the Here and There

February 23, 2020 – Transfiguration                                         Text:  Matthew 17:1-9

Dear Friends in Christ,

            David McCasland wrote about an experience that happened to him some years ago.  A woman was stalled at an intersection with her car hood up and she flagged McCasland down for help.  Here’s the account:

            “’I can’t get the car started,’ she said.  ‘But if you jiggle the wire on the battery I think it will work.’  McCasland grabbed the positive battery cable and it came off in his hand.  It was obviously too loose!  ‘The terminal needs to be tightened up,’ he told her.  ‘I can fix it if you have some tools.’  The woman replied, ‘My husband says just to jiggle the wire.  It always works.  Why don’t you just try that?’  McCasland thought to himself, ‘Then why doesn’t her husband drive around with her all the time so he can jiggle the cable.’  Finally he said, ‘Ma’am, if I jiggle the wire, you’re going to need someone else to do it every time you shut the engine off.  If you’ll give me two minutes and a wrench, we can solve the problem and forget about it.’  Reluctantly, she fumbled under the front seat and then extended a crescent wrench through the window.

            “As he repaired the terminal, McCasland thought about the many times he tried to get ‘quick fixes’ from God.  ‘I have this problem, Lord, and if You’ll just jiggle the wire, things will be ok.  I’m in a hurry, so let’s just get me going again the quickest way possible.’”

            At the Mount of Transfiguration we learn that God doesn’t simply jiggle wires.  He guides our living in this world and, through that, prepares us for the world to come.  Many will follow if only they can be spared the uncertainties and sufferings of tomorrow.  But it doesn’t work that way. 


            The text begins, “After six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.”  Six days after what?  Six days after he told them that they must deny self and take up their cross and follow Him.  Jesus is talking the here and now.  You might gain the world but you will forfeit your soul.

            They are led up a high mountain.  What a moment for these men but also getting there would be strenuous and tiring.  Like life in the here and now.  We strain and tire ourselves to get the most out of life.  We want to enjoy our creature comforts.  But no matter how we mask it, the world is still decaying away.

            Jesus is then transfigured and Moses and Elijah are with them.  What were the disciples seeing?  They were seeing the glory of Christ.  Jesus is God the Son.  Secondly, by seeing Moses and Elijah, the disciples glimpsed the glory of Heaven.  That’s why Peter wants to build the tents.  He wants to stay there forever.  Who wouldn’t want that?

            The earlier words of Jesus “take up your cross and follow me” had faded into the background.  They had traveled from the here – earthly, to the there – heavenly because they were followers of the Christ.

            We to will make that same journey.  We will go from here to there.  From earth to heaven also because of our Christ connection.  But what about the now?  How can we draw strength for the days and possibly years ahead of us?  How can this trip up the mountain help in our day-to-day living.

            “He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud over shadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.’” (v. 5)

            What an encouragement for them.  That moment impressed upon them the eternal victory in Christ is certain.  There is still suffering and cross bearing in this fallen world but Christ has made an eternal home a sure thing.  The Father is pleased that His Son would do everything necessary to secure our forgiveness and eternal life.

            God loved and loves us in spite of ourselves.  In the now we have minds riddled with hideous thoughts and words and deeds.  Yet He would give His Son to pay for that.  And to believe that is to have everlasting life.  Light!  Glory forever!

            At the Mount of Transfiguration we learn that God doesn’t just jiggle wires to make things go.  He prepared the disciples then and He is preparing you and me now to live for Him in this world.  And, in Christ, our lives here overflow with this promise:  “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6)

            Living the now between the here and there is never without the presence of Christ’s love.


Sermon Text 2.16.2020 — How Much Longer Do I Have?

February 16, 2020                                                          Text:  Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Dear Friends in Christ,

            “How much longer do I have?”  Don’t we all at one time or another take a look at our life expectancy?  As Christians we understand our Lord is in charge of our time but we like to take stock of what is in front of us.

            Some may think this is just a question for a doctor and a terminal patient.  The fact is this – we are all terminal.  We are all day-to-day.  A fellow by the name of Curtis Jones wrote, “Life is our capital and we spend it every.  The question is, what are we getting in return?” 

            Let’s sit down with our Creator.  Let’s have a heart to heart talk with our Great Physician.  Pull up a chair, relax and go ahead…ask the question . . .


            The Lord God is quite clear in our text when addressing his chosen people and He is still quite clear today as He speaks to us through His Word this morning.  “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil.”  God’s ways have remained the same since He first created Adam.  If Adam asked this question, “How much longer do I have?” the Lord could have answered, “Forever.”  Once Adam and Eve sinned that question had a limit and ever since the life spans of human beings on earth have been limited.

            Lord, we still aren’t getting to my question, “How much longer do I have?”  Well, let’s look at the two possibilities, “By loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules, then you shall live.” 

            We are not headed toward an earthly promised land like the Israelites would find themselves.  But this Old Testament “promised land” foreshadowed the Heavenly Promised Land won for us through faith in Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection.  We live by walking in the Lord’s ways.  We live because the promise is sure.  We live because Jesus says, “…whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.  He has not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” (John 5:24)  Wow, that’s great news, thanks Doc!

            Not so fast my mortal friend.  There is a warning as you leave the office and continue your earthly ways.  “If your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them, I declare to you today, that you shall surely perish.”  Did I hear you right?  What does this mean?

            Remember the last time you were in here and I warned you about your heartburn and cholesterol?  I told you to stay away from the half-truths and the lies and the filth that you will encounter on a daily basis.  I told you to protect your heart and mind by steering clear of those places and devices that ignore and mock all things Godly.  The devil never rests.  He wants you to think you can do whatever you want.  He wants you to think you will live forever and the time is not short.  He wants you distracted from the precious Word.  He wants you to question your parents and your Pastor and more importantly he wants you to question Me.  Once he has you entangled and apart from the Church, you really don’t have much to live for.  At that point you are on life support.

            Come on doc, you are just scaring me.  That is what the Law does.  It helps you to see the error of your ways.  I want you to turn away from all this bad behavior and follow the eternal plan I set forth before the foundation of the world.

            How does this work, is it painful?  It’s quite simple actually.  “Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days.” 

            The Spirit of God, who breathed life-giving breath into Adam, breathes life-giving breath into us through His Word and Sacrament.  His Word opens our nasal passages and lungs – breathe in life.  His Sacrament feeds our body and soul and eases our anxiety and fears.  Go ahead leap for joy, hop around the office on one foot, you are in great shape – great physical shape because the Lord your God lives in you.

            Let’s get back to that question, one more time.  “How Much Longer Do I Have?”  Haven’t you been paying attention?  You have forever because I the Lord your God have given you eternal life through my Son, Jesus Christ. 

            Now hop up from there and get going – you have a Christian life to live.
