Sermon Text 4.19.2020 — The Power of the Voice

April 19, 2020                                                                                   Text:  John 20:19-31

Dear Friends in Christ,

            “Google, why did we get snow in the middle of April?”  “Hey, Siri, how far should I social distance?”  “Alexa, please make a tee time for May 1st, because I’m playing golf!”  The human voice has new power.  We talk to a machine . . . well, I don’t . . . but some of you do and it talks back.  This is straight out of “Buck Rogers in the 25th Century” except it’s the 20th century and here in our lives today.

            God created the voice to have power.  Do you remember the movie “March of the Penguins” narrated by Morgan Freeman from a few years back?  There was a scene with thousands of penguins, but the couples knew each other by their voices.  Amazing I remember thinking. 

            Easter is, among other things, about . . .


            We see the church at its worst this morning.  The disciples are all hunkered down in their fear.  Instead of letting their faith control their thoughts and actions, they are scared little rabbits hiding from the big, bad wolf.

            In steps the voice of the Lord.  “Peace be with you.”  Before these men can apologize for their behavior these last few days Jesus speaks to them.  He gives them the gift of His peace and joy.

            Now they are starting to understand all those things he had told them.  Jesus has taken away the separation between them and God.  They have been reconciled.  The same scene is repeated a week later when Thomas joins them.  The disciples tell him what had happened but he wouldn’t believe their story.  He had to see.

            Do you notice one thing that stands out?  They are still behind locked doors.  Trust can be a difficult thing, can’t it?  Jesus had told them He would be sending them out and that the Holy Spirit was upon them, but still they had their creeping doubts.  Didn’t it occur to one of them to unlock the door?  Jesus is here.  The Savior in our midst.  Sins forgiven.  A promise of forgiveness given to us.

            Where are we today?  Figuratively, many are behind locked doors or closed doors or at the very least quarantined doors.  Our fear is not the unbelievers or the authorities.  Our fear is the same as the disciples – trust.  The unknown can do this to even those with the greatest faith.  It happened to eleven men who spent day and night with their Savior.  They saw the miracles, heard the sermons, attended His Bible classes and yet they hole up in their homes as people with no hope.

            What about you?  Where is your level of trust this morning?  If you put it all on the earthly authorities you are going to be in sad shape.  Are you ready to unlock the door, come out and live?  Then through the Holy Spirit put your trust in the Lord.  He stands in your homes this day and in this church and says, “Peace be with you…Do not disbelieve, but believe.” 

            “Peace, your sin is forgiven.”  Jesus then adds, “Do not fear the world.  I have overcome the world.  Peace be with you.”  His Word, in the Savior’s voice, comes to us today with the same power as it came to those first disciples and to Thomas in those days after Easter.  “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (v. 31)

            Jesus spoke His peace to you in your baptism.  He speaks His peace to you at the Lord’s Table.  His word of peace gets you out of bed and from behind your couch and wherever else you have been hiding these last few weeks.  Sure, it would be nice to be Rip Van Winkle and take a month-long siesta and then be able to go wherever you want.  It doesn’t quite work that way.  That is why we need the Lord’s peace.  It is trust in Him that gets us back in the game.

            The Lord tells each of us, “get off the bench, I’m sending you in.”  We don’t go with bat and glove.  We go with the Holy Spirit.  We go with the keys of the kingdom.  We are sent to the world to be His voice of peace.  I pray you have been able to be that to your friends and neighbors.  They’ve been watching how you have handled yourself during this blip in our comfortable lives.  Have you lived the peace of the Lord?  Have you allowed His voice to be the voice above every other voice?  Are you living the hope of better days?

            Come on out, the Risen Lord is before you.  Modern voices are nice but nothing compared to the eternal voice that tells you and I to leave behind our fear, our sin, our sickness, and even death itself as we hear His Word one more time:  “Peace be with you.”


Stain Glass Windows Committee Report 4-13-2020

The Good Shepherd Church Stain Glass Committee was commissioned January 2019. The members of the committee are Diane Benjamin, Teresa Casselman, Carin Henson, Marv Huth, Ron Kwasny, Herb Renken, and Renee Pinson. The committee’s purpose was to look into the possibility of getting stain glass windows installed in the upper four windows in the sanctuary.  The committee was not given a set timeline for this project because of all of the unknowns regarding what all is involved in this endeavor. 

The committee made contact with numerous companies that design, build and install stain glass windows and received bids from several of these companies.  The prices ranges from $20,000 to $58,000 for traditional stain glass windows.  During these interactions the committee learned that the best way to install stain glass windows is to install them as inserts inside of the existing exterior windows.  This protects the stain glass from the elements and guarantees they last longer.

The committee notified the church trustees of the plans to install stain glass windows in the upper four windows of the sanctuary and suggested they have the current windows checked for any possible maintenance that may be needed to the exterior windows prior to the stain glass window inserts being installed.  We were informed that the wooden window frames had deteriorated and the trustees were getting bids to replace the exterior windows in the sanctuary. Crawford & Brinkman Door and Window Company out of Peoria was hired to do the exterior window replacement.

Based on samples of their workmanship, staff size and price the committee decided to work with a stain glass studio in Jacksonville, Illinois.  Jacksonville Stained Glass is a full service stained glass studio.  Their bid to do the work is $31,500.

The committee decided that the stain glass scenes in the four windows should depict events from the life of Christ. The four scenes will be the birth of Christ, the baptism of Christ, the Last Supper, and the resurrection of Christ.

The final stain glass window designs for the four windows are posted on the church website.  These are just the artist’s mockups.  Details such as faces and hands on the actual stain glass will be much sharper than they are in these mock ups. The non-essential business shutdown due to the virus will have an impact on the time line for getting this work completed.  Hopefully the new exterior windows will be installed sometime this summer/fall and the stain glass windows can be installed by Christmas.

Click here to see the designs.

Sermon Text Easter Sunday 4.12.2020 — WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE FOCUS ON HEAVEN?

April 12, 2020 – Easter                                                              Text:  Colossians 3:1-4

Dear Friends in Christ,

            We are in the midst of an evil, satanic pandemic – a disease prevalent over much of the world.  We must change our habits and attitudes, because the death is real and staggering.  Over 9 million deaths are predicted this year in China alone.  Most expect at least 700,000 deaths from this pandemic in the United States.  It is estimated 25 million deaths this year could occur worldwide that are not even reported.  The tragedy is unthinkable.  Coronavirus?  Hardly.  These deaths are purposely caused by the sin of abortion.

            As I read those statistics almost all of you heard coronavirus.  It’s everywhere.  On our lips.  In the news.  It’s part of commercials and phone calls and e-mails.  We hear about it at home.  We hear about it from our workplaces.  We know six feet distance and washing hands better than 2 + 2.  The word of the year is together.  See how many times you hear that in a 24-hour period.  Alone together.  Really?

            Do you see how tied to this world we are?  We are anxious about the job.  We are nervous about the elderly relative.  We worry about the economy.  We wonder when will it be over?  These last three weeks, let’s be honest, where has your focus been? – on the things of earth or on the things above?  The Lord knows we need this text for today.  Let’s get some perspective. 

            I am going to put my college French to use.  Today is our denouement – we are going to wrap up a series of events.  In Lent our sermon series has been on the Seven Deadly? Sins.  We are going to find closure and give hope.  With all that is happening in our lives . . .


            Paul begins to give us a clearer perspective as he writes, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on things on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (v. 1-2)

            We have had a lot of earth plantings lately.  Who should I hug?  Do I go get groceries?  I had to go to the hospital this past Monday.  It took a few phone calls and checking me at the door, but I was let in.  Where am I?  Oz?  Willie Wonka’s Chocolate factory?  It was a little eerie.  Very few rooms occupied.  No one in the halls.  I don’t get nervous going to hospitals.  Why be apprehensive?  Visit made.  Hands held through latex gloves.  A minister doing his job, ministering.  A blessed day.

            A few facts.  Of those who get the virus 95% are still breathing.  In the latest round of the flu 7.1% died.  To be an epidemic you need 7.3%.  Do you see how we are so in tune with the things of earth?  I watch or listen to very little news because my mind doesn’t need distractions.  I do my job as a Pastor better without the clutter in my cranium.  How many are in despair, afraid, anxious, isolated, and alone because of their ties to earth?  Will anyone even notice if I’m gone?

            Enough about our current world.  Today Is Easter.  He is Risen!  The world to come looks pretty inviting, does it not?  Paul again from our text, “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” (v. 3-4)

            We died with Christ and we have been raised with Christ.  Our Lord and Savior paid the price for those times we clench our fist so hard to grasp this world.  He spilled His blood so that we can be washed clean of our mind on earthly things.  He went into the depths of hell for us so that we could be saved from everlasting torment.  He who created the ground, was buried in our place.  He was raised today so that we might also rise and conquer sin and death.

            Because Jesus died and rose our life is with Christ.  To be in Christ means to be more than willing to abandon all other things, including the sinful cravings of the heart.  In fact, as Christian people we want to set aside the sinful cravings of the heart not just because God commands it, but because of our connection to Jesus Christ.  He is our motivation.  “Why on earth should I focus on heaven?”

            W.H. Wente wrote, we are saints “set aside from an evil and wicked world as God’s possession, awakened to faith in Christ, receiving forgiveness of sins in daily repentance, and living a new life in the Spirit.  In this new life the Christian virtues develop.”  In all of the deadly sins we have talked about these last seven weeks there is a Christian virtue counterbalance.  For greed its charity.  With sloth its diligence.  In anger we need patience.  Instead of envy a heart of gratitude.  No more gluttony just temperance.  We overcome lust with chastity.  The death of pride comes with our humility.  The sins tie us to earth.  The virtues connect us to heaven.  We might add compassion, kindness, gentleness and forgiveness.  Holy Spirit please help us!

            St. Augustine sometime after his conversion was walking down the street and noticed a former mistress walking toward him.  After seeing her, he turned around to walk in the opposite direction.  Surprised, the woman cried, “Augustine, it is I.”  But continuing on his way Augustine cried back, “Yes, but it is not I!”

            Why on earth should our focus be on heaven?  Because our heavenly life is forever.  We will appear with Christ in glory.  No more masks, no more anxiety, no more distancing.  We will not be alone together.  We will be together together – around the throne of the Lamb in his Kingdom.  Brothers and sisters, until we can worship and fellowship as one body of Christ, keep the focus on heaven.  The Lord is there.  His love is so great that He gave His Son for you and me.  That Son rose, and ascended to the right hand of the Father.  Look up – keep looking up.  A Blessed Easter!
