Sermon Text 5.3.2020 — What’s Behind the Door?
May 3, 2020 Text: John 10:1-10
Dear Friends in Christ,
When I was a young shaver we would often visit family friends who had Holstein milk cows. It was always fun to watch them being milked. The front of the barn, where we entered had a door sliced in the middle. This way the bottom could be closed to keep the cows in the barn while the top door could be open when a nice cool breeze was needed.
I wasn’t as afraid of cows as I was of dogs but I always kept my eye on where the cow was going when I was in the barn. One time a cow was coming right toward me and I thought there was no time to open the door so thinking quickly I jumped up and climbed out the half door. There would be no Lueck/Holstein confrontation this day.
Today in our Gospel lesson Jesus calls Himself the “door.” How many times do we want to climb right over that door because of our lack of trust? As scared sheep do we ever hide behind a door? Today is Good Shepherd Sunday . . . the Lord is taking you by the hand . . . let’s find out together . . .
Have you ever been anxious or nervous to enter a door? A hospital room with a loved one inside? A closed door from your teenager you just had a spat with?
A spouse who’s slammed door spoke volumes? The first time you ever went to a funeral home? The boss who wants to talk with you in their office? Going into your mom’s bedroom shortly after she died? I’ve been there. So have you.
Why are some places so hard to enter? Because we feel we go in alone. Instead of entering with the Good Shepherd, who is the door, we wrap ourselves in our own insecurities. We hear other voices. We let the thief and the robber have their way with our mind. We think our salvation and our life and our success are based on us improving our lives on our own. You make yourself the door. You are actually the one who, by what you do and what you don’t do, determines if you are in the sheep pen or not. You are the door through which you get into heaven.
Today in our Gospel we hear the word “sheep” six times. But we are not just anyone’s sheep. We are the Lord’s sheep. You have heard His voice. You here in the sanctuary, you are sheep. You watching online, you are sheep. You are each uniquely loved, particularly cared for, and led out to pasture by Him. He calls you by name. At the baptismal font through water and the Word the Lord tagged you as his sheep.
Your Lord Jesus is not just behind the door – He is the door. He is the way into the sheep pen. He is the way out to green pasture. He is the way to life, not just life in this world, but life eternal.
The Good Shepherd has given His life for you and me. Jesus went to the cross as the slaughtered sheep in our place. The false shepherds of the day run and jump over the door to the sheep pen and when the wolves come they devour the sheep. “I am not going to sacrifice myself for these silly sheep.”
If the thief is behind the door – watch out. The only thing you will find behind that door is death.
Our door – our Good Shepherd – died for all the times you try to make yourself the door. He rose again on the third day to overcome your fear and anxiety. Entering through this Door gives you life forever and ever. Jesus goes before you to protect and guide you. He meets your enemies head-on and defeats them for you.
What’s behind the door? You know by now, don’t you? Our Good Shepherd – Jesus Christ. This Sunday we celebrate that Jesus is our Shepherd, the Door through whom we have life and have it abundantly.