Sermon Text 9.20.2020 — WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE?

September 20, 2020                                                                         Text:  Isaiah 55:6-9

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Back in 1981 when President Reagan was shot, Vice-President Bush was not in Washington D.C.  Until he could return to the White House, Alexander Haig the Secretary of State called a press conference at the White House and famously said, “I am in control here.”  The press criticized him for the “power grab” and what they perceived to be his lack of knowledge about the succession of the President, which has the Speaker of the House next in line after the Vice-President.  He clarified his meaning later but the story was already written.

            If you have ever been in a group, on a board, served on a committee, been on a team or played in a band you want someone in charge.  Like my mom, a long-time teacher said, “you have to have a chief.”  If everybody is in charge, then no one is in charge and we know that brings chaos.

            People are looking for guidance in our confused and directionless society.  The problem is and always has been – we look to the wrong chief.  It is not a politician or a branch of government or a sports star or media personality.  The only way to have true meaning in this life is to “seek the Lord.” 

            The world is asking so let’s let God’s Word guide us in answering . . .


            When we look outside of God for the answers we just jumble our life.  When we hear news that agrees with our hypothesis we want to tell others.  If we hear news that scares us, we retreat into our shell.  Every year people in the U.S. leave family and jobs behind to start life with a new identity.  But this too is hopeless without Christ.

            Some souls are so burdened with guilt and shame over past sins or so intertwined in the struggles of living that suicide is the only answer.  Just week or so ago someone took their own life on the property of one of our sister churches.  They lived nearby and ended it on church grounds. 

            When the question is asked, “Who’s In Charge Here?”  Most of us answer, “I am.”  You know the clichés, “master of my domain,” “captain of my soul.”  We trust in everything but the living Lord.  It may be the loudest voice or a buffet religion or science and technology.  Author Fred Brown wrote a short story about an electronic super-computer that was asked the question, “Is there a God?”  The computer replied, “There is now.”  If we took computers and phones away tomorrow, cemeteries would be filled by the end of the week.  “Who’s In Charge Here?”

            Our text proclaims that answers to life and its problems are to be found by seeking God.  To the modern mind that remedy is not simple.  Where is God found?

            God is not dead.  God has not departed from human history.  God reveals Himself in Holy Scripture.  Our text says, “He is near.”  God has entered human life and experience in the person of Jesus Christ, whose name is “God with us.” (Is. 7:14)  Jesus promised, “I am with you always.” (Mt. 28:20)

            He is not found in our thoughts.  “My thoughts are not your thoughts.”  God’s plans and reason are beyond our understanding.  Herman C. Theiss wrote this in Life With God, “The creator of our reason cannot be the product of our reason.  If we worship a god our mind has pieced together we are only worshipping ourselves.”  Our reason and thoughts are corrupted by sin.

            God is near.  God can be found.  Where is He?  Who’s In Charge Here?  God’s Word reminds us that it is “a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Ps. 119:105)  In Psalm 50 God says, “Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”  Have you gone to the man in charge during these troubling days?

            In repentance – turn from these other “gods” you may be trusting in and return to the living God.  In faith – lean on the confidence of Christ and His Word.  In prayer – let Him untangle you from your fear and anxiety and know that the Lord Jesus Christ is in charge. 

            It brings me great joy to know that my ways are not His ways.  Yes, I like to be the chief sometimes, but not without the Lord’s help.  I pray you will turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord has the world right where it needs to be so that His ways and His plans can further the work of salvation for all mankind.  In turning to the Man in charge you are receiving grace and mercy and compassion.  God will “abundantly pardon.”  We cannot comprehend God’s ways and thoughts to save fallen mankind. 

            This past week, in preparing for Adult Bible Class, I did a lot of research on the pandemic of 1918-1920.  The God of history enlightened me to see that not much has changed in the hearts and minds of human beings.  We still question.  We still do silly things.  We don’t tell the whole truth.  Despite all this, God brought many blessings 100 years ago and He will in our current times.  In order to see it, we must know Who’s In Charge Here?  “My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Relax, friend, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has this . . . because we know . . . Who IS In Charge.


Sermon Text 9.13.2020 — GOD IS TRUE TO HIS WORD

September 13, 2020 – Christian Education Sunday                      Text:  Acts 2:38-39

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Sometimes Pastor’s hear criticisms from their members.  Hear are two such cases that point to our need and understanding of Scripture and how people can view the church and its mission all wrong.

            “You talk about Jesus too much.  When are you going to talk about other subjects?”  And then the second one, “Why are you teaching so much Bible to our youth?  They’ll never want to invite their friends.”

            Why does the church exist?  What are we all doing here?  If it is not about Jesus and the Bible then our faith is worthless, because it is the power that makes us wise for salvation.  How wise are you feeling about your faith?  Do you wish you knew more?  It is about Jesus and Him crucified – welcome.  On this Christian Education Sunday . . .


            Our text is part of the Apostle’s Peter’s Pentecost sermon.  The focus in Peter’s sermon was on Christ.  That is the promise that makes all the difference for us.  Peter is relating the promise to the coming Holy Spirit.  It relates to baptism and our entrance into the family of God.

            “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (v. 38)  Why do we need to repent and be baptized?  I’m doing alright.  I’m a pretty good person.  I think I got things figured out.  Do you?

            In Wales years ago there was man named Roche.  He was deathly afraid of snakes.  So he went about building a castle.  He built it so high that there was no way for snakes to get in.  He lived in the upper part of the castle with a solid rock foundation.  He was safe.  He might die by some other means but it wouldn’t be because of a snakebite.

            This castle also had a fireplace.  To have a fire you must have wood.  One of his caretakers went out one day to collect wood for such a purpose.  What that caretaker didn’t know was that hiding in that pile of wood was a snake.  You‘ve guessed it by now but the owner – Mr. Roche died by the viper.  This castle is still standing and can be visited – one thing though – watch out for the snakes!

            Like the Roche castle we build our walls to protect us, but the snakes still get in.  “Lord, I’ve heard your Word and I am going to do better this week,” and . . . we end biting someone we love . . . or we strike with a careless word . . . or we wrap our negativity around someone and squeeze the life out of them.  Repent, indeed.  When we do the marvelous Gospel message sounds through the gloom of our guilt and shame.  God is True to His Word.  The death of Jesus Christ, which we caused, has earned forgiveness for us.  What could be more wonderful?

            For those who are parents there is an additional wonderful – “For the promise is for you and your children.” (v. 39a)  The Baptism Peter urges is also where our children, the next generation of believers, meet the Lord and experience adoption as His son and daughters – even while they remain our children.

            Despite everything we can give our kids, this is one thing we are incapable of providing.  Our children at birth were far from the Lord and covered in sin.  Their souls are precious to the Lord and at the baptismal font He bathes them with forgiveness.  Some see this act as simplistic and symbolical.  We see forgiveness.  We see the Lord creating faith in these young ones.  What joy it is to know that those we love as parents will be saved through all eternity.  God is True to His Word.

            But the promise extends beyond them.  “The promise is . . . for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” (v. 39)  There is no limit to God’s love, there is no limit to God’s forgiveness, and there is no limit to God’s mercy in Christ Jesus.

            The Lord has given me the privilege and the responsibility of reminding all the members of our congregation the importance of Bible Study, devotions, and worship.  In this way we witness to all people regardless of age or race.  Your knowledge and wisdom of the Lord’s Scripture can help you to share it with friends.  The same gift you want your children and grandchildren to enjoy can also belong to neighbors and co-workers.

            The Spirit of God has promised to work through the Word here and beyond.  In being True to His Word God knew it just wasn’t for the ancient Jews who heard Peter that day or for us or our children.  It extends to all who hear the invitation of God in the Gospel.

            Share this Word where you can.  It is a responsibility that can bring great joy.  God Is True To His Word and He fulfills it in Christ.
