June 12, 2022 – Trinity Sunday                                      Text:  John 8:48-59

Dear Friends in Christ,

    Science fiction is a genre that is quite popular.  It has been pointed out by Orson Scott Card, a science fiction writer himself, that most of the heroes in the books and movies are mostly individuals, out doing their thing by themselves.  They seldom have family or friends.  There is no spouse or children, parent or childhood buddy.  

    Something we knew before the pandemic has know become a mini-crisis in our world.  Men and women are not meant to be alone and isolated.  It has especially affected the older and younger generations.  The science fiction hero is to be the rugged individual but what is seen on the big screen only goes so far.

    This Trinity Sunday morning let’s look in on the dialogue between Jesus and the unbelieving Jews.  It will help us see . . .


    We love the me generation and being our own person.  Believe me, we all talk like this quite often.  Look at marriage today.  Sixty years ago, half of 21-year-olds were married.  Three years ago that percentage was down to 8%.  Today even lower.

    Or take the words we use like sheeple.  We blend people and sheep for the definition of a docile person just going with the flow.  The Washington Post wrote, “The cancel culture is often stoked by sheeples with no interest in drilling down to the truths.”  How true.  Look at the mob mentality in our age.  People follow blindly without knowing what they are following.

    We is better than Me.  English writer John Donne wrote the famous poem with these lines:  “No man is an island…every man is a piece of the continent…Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”  When one man dies, is reminds all of us that mankind is dying.  “The wages of sin is death.” (Rom. 6:23)

    God is not a Me.  Our Holy Lord is not about sinful individualism.  He is not disconnected from us even though we speak of God as Him, He, The One.  We think this way and then we get to Trinity Sunday and like a three-leaf clover we squish our one God into Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  What did our Lord do in the Garden of Eden?  He created humanity male and female.  One, yet two.  He did the same in marriage, the two become one. (Gen. 2:24)   God knew that it was not good for man to be alone.  He had to have someone to fight with over the remote!

    God is a We.  The Father begets a Son through whom comes the Spirit.  The Jews could not grasp this concept because they couldn’t let go of their ideas about God.  How could Jesus know the Father?  It didn’t make sense to them.  They heard blasphemy when Jesus said, “I am.”  In a mysterious wonder, our Lord is in fact three persons in one divine substance.  In Jesus, we see God for who He is, just as Abraham got to witness during his time.

    Abraham believed, because he believed in what God saying.  Think of the things in his life where he had to trust God.  Being a father as a senior citizen.  Rescuing Lot.  Having to watch the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Asking to sacrifice his son Isaac.  The promise God made him about his descendants.  Abraham was no island.  He was a We with God.  The Lord led his life and Abraham followed.

    The devil would like us disconnected, kept apart.  He wants us to be believe that to be alone is to be like God.  He whispers to us that we can do what we want, it is not affecting anyone else.  We have personal choice and freedom, and you can’t tell me any different.

    Jesus wants us together as He and the Father and Holy Spirit are together.  Verse 55, “But you have not known him.  I know him.  If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word.”  God sent Jesus into the world to forgive us.  He takes our “I am an island” and “my choice” and “you can’t tell what to do” and He lays it on a cross so that you and I can be free.  The Holy Spirit breathes out into us the Christian life that we lead.  By the power of the Spirit, we keep the Father’s Word, Jesus, in us.  This is what it means to have everlasting life and “if anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death.”  We may try to live our aloneness but the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit pierce our hearts, enliven our faith and make us One with them.

    Here is how it works.  I like my alone time.  More and more as the world gets rougher and rougher to live in.  But the Lord says, “Lueck, I need your witness.”  So I go out in public to a ball game, a public trolley in Savannah, the grocery store.  I am placed into situations where God’s name is used in vain or other profanities used.  I am compelled to speak up.  The reaction is usually not positive.  Here is the interesting part.  Over the years not one other person has said anything.  I feel like an island, but I’m not because I am doing what my Lord and Savior wants me to do.  The Lord uses me to help change a corner of the world.  I don’t speak for myself, I speak for We, my kids and grandkids.  I speak for our faith.  I speak for Jesus.

    What about you?  Is it going to be Me or We.  The Lord must change the hearts and the behavior.  The Trinity of God is a unity.  They do not stand alone.  We honor them by keeping their Word.  Abraham knew God not as a ‘He’ but as a ‘We.’  Now we do as well, through the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Sermon Text 2022.06.05 — NOW YOU ARE TALKING MY LANGUAGE

June 5, 2022                                              Text:  Genesis 11:1-9

Dear Friends in Christ,

    In watching a recent episode of American Built, they focused on the Willis Tower in Chicago one the tallest buildings in the world.  When the Sears Corporation had it built in the early 1970’s it was to function as their corporate office.  The other motivation in play was that Chicago wanted the tallest building in the world.  Something that had been around since the Great Pyramid was built in Egypt.  Man is always trying to outdo each other.  It is so obsessive and competitive that there is an organization, The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, that has become the official referee.

    Today in our text there are people who want to make a name for themselves.  They want to be known over all the earth.  They are all speaking the same language.  What are they saying?  They want to live apart from God.  Man cannot survive this way.  The Lord will make this clear by what He says.  Let’s hear it together . . . 


    At this time in history all of mankind is descended from Noah.  Remember, the ark builder?  Because they were all related, they all spoke the same language.  Just because they had this in common did not mean they had total unity.  They were still out for each other.  This happens when we fail to communicate with our Creator.  When we are not communicating with God, then we are not able to communicate with each other.

    Look at our communication in the United States.  We speak English, the universal language of the world.  Go anywhere, which I did on the internet this week, and they have signs in English.  We may have the same language but are we understanding one another?  When gas hits five dollars a gallon and energy prices are spiking, and we can’t hire enough workers to produce goods and services even when we have let millions of new people into our country there is a communication breakdown.  People babel on about solutions but they are all speaking a different language. 

    When some see a beating heart as not a child, we are speaking a different language.  When some see marriage as beyond a man and a woman, we are speaking a different language.  When some are comfortable with anarchy and chaos, we are speaking a different language.  But at the root of all this miscommunication is men and women who want the power of God.  

    That is what happened in Shinar.  Look at their language in verse 4.  “Let us build ourselves…let us make a name for ourselves.”  They have forgotten the original “let us” moment of Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”  This was the Holy Trinity speaking.  Nothing can be made apart from Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Now we are starting to hear some language we can get behind.

    What motivated the Lord to intervene?  The key here is in verse 6, “this is only the beginning of what they will do.  And nothing they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”  Man is a conceited mess.  If the human race remained united in self-interested pride, there would be no limit to people’s rebellion against God.

    The Lord intervenes in the affairs of man.  He must.  His divine power altered their though processes, making it impossible to communicate and trust one another.  The tower was to reach the heavens, but the all-knowing, all-powerful God came all the way down to inspect this tiny structure of man.  The early Christians understood this verse to refer to the preincarnate Jesus.  Now You Are Talking My Language.

    The Son of God is the Word made flesh.  The Word of God in the flesh confuses the word of man.  Man always talks big, always makes plans apart from God but God’s Word is always the final answer.  

    Here we are in society, in families, in schools, in jobs, in churches.  We all speak the same, except for an accent or variation here and there.  Yet, look at all the misunderstandings we encounter.  Husband and wife.  Child and parent.  Teacher and student.  Boss and employee.  Communication breakdowns hurt and they can linger, and they can tear apart relationships.  

    God comes into this world of ours every day.  In the person of Jesus Christ, we have a Savior who spoke a language that even his 12 closest buddies didn’t always understand.  But they would.  They would see Him die.  They would see Him rise from the dead.  They would see Him ascend to heaven.  They would receive His forgiveness and share in his glory.  On Pentecost they would be given power from on high.  They would need this strength when people didn’t understand their salvation message.

    You and I have what they had.  The Lord speaks to us in language easy to understand.  Water and Word.  Bread and wine and Word.  He answers our prayers and forgives our misunderstandings with others.  His language is our language.  In a world of confusing language, He calms the troubled heart.  In a society of profane language, He lets our light shine with the words we use.  He wraps us in His arms and says, “I love you and will use your witness.”

    Now you are talking through Me.  Thank you Lord.


Sermon Text 2022.05.29 — the Glory in gory

May 29, 2022                                    Text:  Acts 1:12-26

Dear Friends in Christ,

    Concordia Publishing House is the publishing arm of our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  A few years ago, they greenlighted a book entitled, Gory Deaths.  Why would they publish such a book?  Well, the subtitle may help a bit:  Not-So-Nice Bible Stories.  The book is written by Rev. Jonathan Schkade and proven to be quite popular.  Yes, they are gory stories, but they are also Bible stories and we do believe that Scripture is God-breathed, right?

    This morning let’s focus on two of the gory stories in the book.  One is in our text for this morning from Acts 1.  The other is not explicitly in the text but relates to every other story in the Bible.  You will see…be patient as we view . . . 


    Let’s get to the first gory story.  It starts out calm enough.  Jesus has ascended to heaven as the disciples are without their leader.  Kind of like getting dropped off at college.  OK, now what, I am on my own.  The disciples have each other but they are down a man.  If I recall one of them did a dastardly deed and now we are getting to the gory story.

    The Apostle Peter does the honors.  “Now this man bought a field with the reward of his wickedness, and falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out.” (v. 18).   How do you handle those words?  Do you picture the scene?  Block it out?  Many of us grew up in the era of Freddy Krueger, Jason and others in horror movies.  It could be frightening unless you suspended belief and knew it was just Hollywood trickery.  Judas’ death was no prop.  It had to be horrible to see and witness.  How far this disciple had fallen.

    Humankind has always had horrible, bloodthirsty enemies.  Satan, the one behind the actions of Judas.  He too was once a follower of Jesus, but he rebelled against God and now he works on the hearts of men and women to turn them from Jesus.  It all started with his deception of Adam and Eve.

    Sin.  1 John 3:8 says, “The devil has been sinning from the beginning.”  He brought sin into the world.  He continues to wreak destruction against God’s creatures and creation.

    Death.  It didn’t take long for gory death to make an appearance in the Bible in the person of #’s 3 and 4 – better known as Cain and Abel.  It was a slaughter over nothing more than jealousy and anger.  Gory stories abound in Scripture – the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, military slaughters.  Death can be graphic just like the death of Judas.

    Hell.  Judas not only suffered physical death, but he had the most horrific fate:  eternal death.  It is important we continue to talk about hell in the church.  Many today want to deny its existence for their own, selfish reasons.

    This death of Judas reminds us of the horrors in this life.  In my profession I have seen some pretty awful things.  Many of you have as well.  The shootings the last few weeks again remind us in horrible, horrible ways of the depravity of man.  The devil is a roaring lion who wants to devour us.  Help!

    We have it.  The glory in gory.  The death of Jesus appears as a chapter in the book Gory Deaths.  It is not unthinkable or heretical to compare the two.  They have a few things in common and many things different.  

    Judas and Jesus both died on a tree.  Judas by hanging himself.  Jesus nailed to the tree by others.  Judas’ tree was just that.  The tree of Jesus is actually a glorious tree for all who believe.  It was a bad Friday when Jesus suffered and died but we now celebrate it as Good Friday.  We hang crosses in our churches.  We wear them around our necks.  We place them on the walls of our homes.  We celebrate this so-called instrument of death because it is actually an instrument of life.  

    Judas and Jesus died gory, bloody deaths.  Judas place of death was called “Field of Blood.”  We turn away from his gory death.  The blood of Jesus on the other hand, “cleanses us from all sin.” (1 Jn. 1:7). We fix our eyes on the cross we don’t turn away.  We also rejoice to partake of this body and blood in, with, and under bread and wine for our life and salvation.

    Both Judas and Jesus were abandoned in death.  Judas’ “camp became desolate.”  He died alone as he faced separation from God.  Jesus was forsaken by his disciples and His Father.  But this provides us comfort.  He had to be forsaken to die in place.  He was our sin-bearer.  The promise now is that God will not leave us or forsake us.

    The gory yet glorious death of Jesus assures us that all our bloodthirsty enemies have been vanquished forever.  The gory death of Jesus allows us to taunt death, hell, sin, and Satan:  “’Death is swallowed up in victory.’  ‘O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?’  The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:54-57)


Sermon Text 2022.05.26 — Where is the hope?

May 26, 2022 – Ascension                        Text:  Ephesians 1:15-23

Dear Friends in Christ,

    No intelligent preacher would ever start a sermon with a four-letter word.  Well, this one is going to.  Hold on to your pew.  That word is h-o-p-e.  Hope.  Do you think that doesn’t count?   Sure it does as hope has four letters.  When I said four-letter word, you were thinking something else.  My family was confident it wouldn’t be one of those four-letter words because I have never used one in my marriage.  In our world to talk about hope is like burping in public.  Everything seems so bad; can we really have hope?  Can we talk about hope when our world is depressed and hateful and spiteful and worn down and sees no end to their troubles?  Is it possible to have lives based in hope?


    We need hope.  Hope is not the same word as optimism.  It is tied to action, not attitude.  The late British Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, in his book Celebrating Life, pointed out that optimism is passive while hope is active.  Optimism is having a gym membership.  Hope is going jogging every morning.

    Despair would be the opposite of hope.  It leads to laziness and guilt and fear.  Despair wants to stay in bed all day.  Why face the day if I have no hope?  Luther wrote this in his Small Catechism on the meaning of the 6th petition of the Lord’s Prayer – “lead us not into temptation.”  We are asking that the Lord would “guard and keep us so that the devil, the world, and our sinful nature may not deceive us or mislead us into false belief, despair, and other great shame and vice.”

    When we have hope it is easier to move through the day, look to the future.  Without hope, everything just grinds to a halt.  Where to find true hope?

    False hope is no hope.  Think of the religious cults who lied to their people about the world ending.  They sold all their goods got ready and…life continued.  If people have false hope, in say a miracle cure, and it doesn’t work it can lead to bitterness, disillusionment.  People may even rebel against God.  False hope leads to despair.

    The Apostle Paul ties real hope to Jesus, specifically His ascension.  Because God has raised Jesus “from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places.” (v. 20)  That right there gives us real hope for our future.

    Jesus is not gone.  He has been promoted and we get to go along.  Christ is the Head, we are the members of his body, the Church.  If all things are under his feet, it means they are under ours as well.

    Christ has called us.  He has given us “the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.” (v. 18). Because of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension our sins are forgiven, and we inherit a portion of his riches by grace.  

    Because of Christ’s ascension He is with all of us.  We can live lives of hope of being in His presence forever.  It would be easy to despair.  The world likes to do that to people.  “There will be no more gas or electricity!”  “How many more years before the North or South Pole flood your living room?”  “Covid may be controlled but what’s next?”  Should you even leave your house?  The market for hope is one big open area.

    Don’t buy the false hope some are selling.  You and I know the only answer is found in Jesus.  God cared enough about you to send His Son to redeem you.  You know that the Son was crucified, died, rose, and has now ascended to the right hand of God the Father.  You know that He rules over all things, and He has promised to be with you always.  He is not gone.  He is here in his Word.  He is here in His Sacraments.  He is here among His people.  That gives you and I hope for the days ahead.

    The Church has many great festival days that we love.  Christmas and Easter and Pentecost and All Saints.  Ascension is unique and not just because we celebrate it on a Thursday.  The central message is the hope message.  It centers our faith, strengthens us for what lies ahead, and give us the promise of a better future.

    Christ ascended to ensure us of our eternal place with Him.  That is our hope.


Sermon Text 2022.05.15 — What is it worth to us?

May 15, 2022                                          Text:  Revelation 21:1-7

Dear Friends in Christ,

    Valerius Maximus was a Roman author/historian, perhaps best known for his work “Nine Books of Memorable Deeds and Sayings” dated around 30 A.D.  He stated, “The divine wrath is slow indeed in vengeance, but it makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment.”

    Life can be very, very frustrating – isn’t it?  The reality of so many senators voting to kill the unborn, goods and services that cannot be obtained, prices that continue to climb, people in high positions who abuse their power and live in an alternate reality.  None of it is lost on us.  But then, neither are your sin crimes and my sin crimes.  Valerius Maximus’ insight is accurate:  “the divine wrath…makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment.”  More importantly, God said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” (Rom. 12:9)

    What a blessing to know the love of God in Christ, right?  Especially when we face our final moments.  Jesus is the only One who can lift us beyond the dread and fear of death.  The question for this morning . . .


    The religions of our world all say the same thing:  Man is either basically good enough or capable enough to deserve or earn God’s love.  Is there any truth in that?  If we could truly earn God’s love, at minimum, we would never think the things we want no one else to know…or see!  

    God is love and we cannot earn, nor do we deserve His love.  He felt sorry for you and me.  Pity.  Mercy.  It was my sins and your sins that caused Him to love us so much that would suffer and die for those horrible things we are capable of.

    One of the saddest conversations you can have with a person is when you ask them what is going to happen to them when they die?  Their answer, “nothing.”  Which is a bold answer while the heart is still beating and the lungs still breathing.  

    Why has humanity spent untold money, time, effort, and persecution of those who follow Christ to disprove Christ’s credibility?  That right there proves something.  Why fight so hard to discredit something you don’t believe in?  Because even the unbelievers know the Scripture just like the devil in the desert with Jesus.  “He will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matt. 25:41)

    We’ve been spared this.  Though we struggle daily with our sin, for the sake of Christ we have forgiveness.  That’s the promise.  “…the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 Jn. 1:7b). “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.” (Rom. 6:23). We will go into eternal heaven – uninterrupted happiness.  All assured us now through Word and Sacrament.

    Frank Wilson wrote this, “In early times of persecution acts of spiritual heroism occurred in many communities.  Christians would see one of their own give up his life for his faith, and they would feel proud of such an example of staunch fortitude…They did not mourn their dead, but rejoiced over them because their departure out of this world was the occasion of the new birth in the world-to-come…”

    When we read these stories of Christian martyrdom we come away thinking:  “what a witness.”  The ultimate offering.  But I confess along with you that the best most of us have given up for the faith is a small percentage of coin and time.  

    Here we are then.  Sinful humans, covered in the blood of Jesus Christ.  Living with promises of Christ’s presence in Word and Sacrament, looking forward to the New Heaven and the New Earth.  The words of John always preparing us:

    “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.  And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man.  He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.  He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.’” (v. 1-4)

    Haven’t we all been confronted with death?  Shed tears for those we love.  Felt the pain of a broken heart or broken body?  Because of God’s love in Christ that will be taken away forever.

    Listen to this written some time ago:  “He calls us not to be deceived into thinking that the goal of our faith here is the highest degree of comfort and happiness…but to understand the people who hated his Son – marched Him to the cross for preaching the truth about human sin – crucified Him and his Apostles – and have persecuted the church through the centuries – those people and that mind-set are as much a part of our time as ever before.”

    We have been given everything in Christ.  His presence now and his eternal promise of heaven.  What a blessing to confess with the saints:  “I am going to heaven when my pilgrimage here is finished.”  It’s a fair question – What Is It Worth To Us – God’s eternal love in Christ.  What is it worth – to you?                                        Amen.   

Sermon Text 2022.05.15 — What is it worth to us?

May 15, 2022                                          Text:  Revelation 21:1-7

Dear Friends in Christ,

    Valerius Maximus was a Roman author/historian, perhaps best known for his work “Nine Books of Memorable Deeds and Sayings” dated around 30 A.D.  He stated, “The divine wrath is slow indeed in vengeance, but it makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment.”

    Life can be very, very frustrating – isn’t it?  The reality of so many senators voting to kill the unborn, goods and services that cannot be obtained, prices that continue to climb, people in high positions who abuse their power and live in an alternate reality.  None of it is lost on us.  But then, neither are your sin crimes and my sin crimes.  Valerius Maximus’ insight is accurate:  “the divine wrath…makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment.”  More importantly, God said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” (Rom. 12:9)

    What a blessing to know the love of God in Christ, right?  Especially when we face our final moments.  Jesus is the only One who can lift us beyond the dread and fear of death.  The question for this morning . . .


    The religions of our world all say the same thing:  Man is either basically good enough or capable enough to deserve or earn God’s love.  Is there any truth in that?  If we could truly earn God’s love, at minimum, we would never think the things we want no one else to know…or see!  

    God is love and we cannot earn, nor do we deserve His love.  He felt sorry for you and me.  Pity.  Mercy.  It was my sins and your sins that caused Him to love us so much that would suffer and die for those horrible things we are capable of.

    One of the saddest conversations you can have with a person is when you ask them what is going to happen to them when they die?  Their answer, “nothing.”  Which is a bold answer while the heart is still beating and the lungs still breathing.  

    Why has humanity spent untold money, time, effort, and persecution of those who follow Christ to disprove Christ’s credibility?  That right there proves something.  Why fight so hard to discredit something you don’t believe in?  Because even the unbelievers know the Scripture just like the devil in the desert with Jesus.  “He will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matt. 25:41)

    We’ve been spared this.  Though we struggle daily with our sin, for the sake of Christ we have forgiveness.  That’s the promise.  “…the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 Jn. 1:7b). “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.” (Rom. 6:23). We will go into eternal heaven – uninterrupted happiness.  All assured us now through Word and Sacrament.

    Frank Wilson wrote this, “In early times of persecution acts of spiritual heroism occurred in many communities.  Christians would see one of their own give up his life for his faith, and they would feel proud of such an example of staunch fortitude…They did not mourn their dead, but rejoiced over them because their departure out of this world was the occasion of the new birth in the world-to-come…”

    When we read these stories of Christian martyrdom we come away thinking:  “what a witness.”  The ultimate offering.  But I confess along with you that the best most of us have given up for the faith is a small percentage of coin and time.  

    Here we are then.  Sinful humans, covered in the blood of Jesus Christ.  Living with promises of Christ’s presence in Word and Sacrament, looking forward to the New Heaven and the New Earth.  The words of John always preparing us:

    “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.  And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man.  He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.  He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.’” (v. 1-4)

    Haven’t we all been confronted with death?  Shed tears for those we love.  Felt the pain of a broken heart or broken body?  Because of God’s love in Christ that will be taken away forever.

    Listen to this written some time ago:  “He calls us not to be deceived into thinking that the goal of our faith here is the highest degree of comfort and happiness…but to understand the people who hated his Son – marched Him to the cross for preaching the truth about human sin – crucified Him and his Apostles – and have persecuted the church through the centuries – those people and that mind-set are as much a part of our time as ever before.”

    We have been given everything in Christ.  His presence now and his eternal promise of heaven.  What a blessing to confess with the saints:  “I am going to heaven when my pilgrimage here is finished.”  It’s a fair question – What Is It Worth To Us – God’s eternal love in Christ.  What is it worth – to you?                                        Amen.