Sermon Text 2023.05.28 — counseling with conviction
May 28, 2023 – Pentecost Text: John 16:5-11
Dear Friends in Christ,
We all know what it is like to speak with a counselor. Oh, maybe you’ve never gone to see your Pastor or a counselor in an office, but you have been counseled by a parent, a teacher, a coach, a trusted friend. I have the privilege to do a lot of counseling. One of the keys is to be a good listener but then to speak words of guidance and wisdom. Now, sometimes the counselee doesn’t want to hear what they need to do. That shouldn’t stop the counselor. The truth needs to be spoken.
This is what the Holy Spirit does. He speaks the truth that needs to be spoken – both to the believer and to the unbeliever. This is what Jesus is describing in our text, how the Holy Spirit will speak.
The text says, “When he (the Holy Spirit) comes he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement.” (v. 8). He will counsel the world with conviction. If a person is “convicted” of wrongdoing, do they believe they have done wrong or not? That depends on the sense of the word. To be “convicted” of something may mean exactly that they do believe, and powerfully. Many people, we say, have “strong convictions.” But many criminals are also “convicted,” found guilty of crimes they never admit, crimes they refuse to take responsibility for. Their “conviction” is not their own solid belief, but rather the solid belief of the jury. The Holy Spirit will convict the world. He may give us strong convictions, but He certainly declares us guilty of sin.
Jesus had to go away for the Counselor, the Holy Spirit to come. We just celebrated that a week ago Thursday on Ascension Day. Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father where he rules. Counselor can also be translated here as “Helper.” In the time of Jesus, it was a legal term that referred to any person who helped someone in trouble with the law. The Holy Spirit will always stand by Christ’s people.
The Counselor convicts us in regard to sin and judgment. That is the Law. He wants us to see that we can be pretty awful people at times. You know the feeling down in the pit of your stomach when you have messed up. We are the prisoner that stands there hearing the guilty verdict. Are we off to prison? Will we be locked up forever?
No. Because our Counselor stands with us. He convicts us in regard to righteousness. What is righteousness? It is what we enjoy because of Christ’s sacrificial death. We are saved from prison. We are not locked up forever. We have freedom because of the cross. We have free will because of the empty tomb. We have a forever home in heaven where Christ has ascended to. The prince of the world now stands condemned – we are free!
No one but the Holy Spirit can reveal to a person that a righteous status before God does not depend on good works but on Christ’s death on the cross. Our Counselor speaks words of guidance, and truth, and wisdom. He is a helper and a comforter.
Counselors use words. The Counselor uses the Word. On Pentecost Sunday, the Church is empowered to use the Word. We are to go into all the world. Through water and the Word we all have been made “counselors” for the Lord Jesus. Every time that we speak faithfully God’s Word we are counseling. Every time we share God’s Word with a hurting person we are counseling. Even if are words are done in a halting manner, the Holy Spirit can still use for His purpose. We can counsel with comfort and with conviction. People need to hear the truth not only of their sin but of the saving work of Christ in their lives.
This Helper, this Holy Spirit, this Counselor is such a blessing to us. He is counseling through us. The Counselor comes to you.