Pastor’s Notes August 2018

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Adult Bible Class recently concluded a study entitled, “A Matter of the Heart:  Comfort From God’s Word in Hard Times.”  I began the class by asking everyone what they equate with “hard times.”  Some of the answers were:  financial challenges or loss, marital problems, the misbehavior of children, job loss or job unhappiness, a faith crisis, physical ailments that don’t seem to get better, death of a loved one, and a family relationship that has gone sour.  What would you add to the list?  How would you define a “hard time” in your life?

Did Jesus have hard times?  Many people would say no because after all He is God and He knows and controls everything.  That misses who Jesus was.  Yes, he was divine, but he was also human.  He had friends die.  He was dismissed by his hometown.  His closest allies ran as fast as they could away from him when it looked like they would be associated with him.  His teachings were always being disputed.  He stated, “the Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head.”  Yes, Jesus had times when things did not go his way.  He can relate to you and I.

This Son of Man came “to seek and save the lost.”  This Son of Man came “to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Jesus is there in all of our times not just our “hard times.”  He hears our prayers and answers according to His Will.  He is always there as a caring, loving Savior.

I pray that your “hard times” strengthen your faith and draw you closer to your Savior.

In Christ,


Celebrating July 2018


Rylynn Doddek                Jul  2

Gracie Mosier                  Jul  3

Joann Nottingham           Jul  4

Inba Joseph                    Jul  8

Bob Love                         Jul 10

Nick Henson                    Jul 14

Joann Hart                       Jul 22

Katey Parry                     Jul 24

Andy Benjamin               Jul 25

Stephanie Schempp        Jul 25

David McEleney              Jul 27

Mary Hall                         Jul 29

Baptismal Birthdays

Isabella Kessler               Jul  8

Richard Ross                   Jul 11

Keyyon Pleasant             Jul 12

Kathy Hitch                      Jul 13

Summer Sheley               Jul 13

Jennifer Cloyd                 Jul 16

Ruth Gerike                     Jul 20

Anna Holland                   Jul 21

Rylynn Doddek                Jul 23

Finley Mosier                   Jul 24

Eugene Fuller                  Jul 28

Erin Dirks                         Jul 31

Stewardship Corner July 2018

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5:1).

We celebrate this month because of the freedoms and liberties our country has afforded us.  We are right to do this.  We should be thankful for these liberties: the freedom to gather together to worship and to live out what we believe in our daily lives.

But freedom and liberty in our age has devolved.  It has become a freedom from duty instead of a freedom for it.  Indeed, freedom and liberty in our age has turned into licentiousness: a license to do what we want, when we want.

This license is a submission, again, to a yoke of slavery.  For freedom as license to do what we desire when we desire it means we are slaves to our desires, slaves to our passions.

Christ died to set us free from our sinful desires.  In Holy Baptism, our Old Adam is drowned and put to death along with all sin and evil desires so that a new man may arise and live before God in righteousness and purity.

In Christ, we are a new creation.  We are set free from the passions of the flesh so that we are free to do our duty and bear fruits of the Spirit.

Our duty is what God calls us to do as members of a family, society, and the church.

God calls us to believe in His Word and gladly hear and learn it.  He calls us to pray for all people.  He calls us to live in faith toward Him and in fervent love for our neighbor.  He calls us to put the gifts He gives to us in His service.  God calls parents to provide for their children and raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. And God calls children to honor their parents and provide and care for them when they are no longer able to do so themselves.

God calls the government to punish those who do evil and to reward those who do good.  He calls citizens to pay their taxes and honor the governing officials as God’s servants.  He calls pastors to preach and teach the Gospel as well as repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  And He calls hearers to support those who teach them with every good thing.

Christ died to set us free from the works of our selfish flesh, giving us the freedom and liberty to do our duty. Stand firm, then, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Pastor’s Notes July 2018

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is always a blessing to be able to celebrate milestones.  It reminds us how our Lord has been good to us and how His grace and mercy and love pervade our lives.  We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and baptisms and retirements and graduations.

This month we are giving thanks to God for half of our church building paid for.  Is this something to celebrate knowing that we still have $1 million left on our mortgage?  I believe it is.  For those of you who have been around since we built what were your thoughts when you saw a $1.8 million building with cost overruns of $200,000?  Did you freak out at $2 million?  Did you quietly ponder the enormity of it with the size of our congregation?  Did you have faith in our Lord and His gracious hand to provide?  A combination of all of these?

If you have been an adult for any length of time you know debt.  College debt.  Mortgage debt.  Car loans.  Credit cards.  You know I don’t like debt.  Unfortunately to live in the world it is almost unavoidable.  On the other hand I know the blessings the Lord provides.  A vehicle to get around in.  A home with a hot shower (most of the time!).  A future for our boys because of college.  We could look at this upcoming year two ways:  2 kids in college –yikes! Or we can see how the Lord has provided for one and how He will lead us with two.  We just studied this recently in a family gathering and we can move forward with trust in our gracious Lord.

That is what Good Shepherd did in 2000.  We moved forward with trust in our gracious Lord.  It hasn’t always been easy or without some minor challenges but I hope we all see the bigger picture here.  It takes time and patience to pay down debt.  This is the beauty of Jesus.  He is patient with us.  He could have demanded something from us, but He didn’t.  He took all of our debt of lack of trust and other sins and paid for it with his bloodied body on the cross.  He then promises an eternal future with no more payments of any kind.  The eternal home is ours – debt free and for eternity!

I’ve said this in a sermon before, but what I want on my headstone is this:  “He never paid a finance charge.”  Not just financially but theologically as well.  The Lord paid it all for me.  He paid it all for us.

What about the $1 million left?  We can look forward to that celebration.  The Lord knows – oh, He knows.  His plans are greater than ours.  Trust that.

In Christ,


Stewardship Corner June 2018

“There are three conversions necessary to every man: the head, the heart, and the purse.” Attributed to Luther, though yet to be located in his vast writings, this statement echoes what Jesus taught about hearts and treasures.  He said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34).

But which conversion comes first?  I submit that the order is this: first the head, then the purse, then the heart. Let me explain.

Our Lord Jesus Christ dwelt among us to save us.  He took on our flesh, fulfilled the demands of the law in our place, became sin for us, and suffered torture and death on our behalf, in order that we would be free from sin, death, and hell.  He gives us what He accomplished through Baptism, Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper.

And so, He doesn’t just do it for us but gives it to us, makes what He did ours by making us His.  Thus, we are called by His name: Christians.  We have a new life in Him.

Through the preaching of Law and Gospel, God grants us repentance, a changing of our minds.  It is a conversion of the mind.  We are called to turn away from our sins and turn toward Him for forgiveness, life, and salvation.  For when God calls us away from something, He is, at the same time, calling us to something.

And thus, He calls us to a new life, with new deeds.  This is the conversion of the purse.  Jesus said that “it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24).  “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Notice that our hearts follow our treasures, not the other way around.  As Christians, God calls us to invest our treasures in His Kingdom to ensure that the gospel is preached and the sacraments are administered.  He calls us to share all good things with the one who teaches us the doctrines of Christ.  He calls us to be generous in giving to the church, for it is more blessed to give than to receive.

So where is your treasure?  If it is not invested in the kingdom of God, then the only response is repentance—a conversion of the heart—and to begin doing just that.  And as our Lord promised, where your treasure is there your heart will be also.

This is not to say that you earn your way into heaven.  It is simply to say that as Christians, those who have been made to be temples of the Holy Spirit, who have been given a new life in Christ, who are dead to sin and now alive in Him, we are, actually, to live — think (conversion of the mind), do (conversion of the purse), and be (conversion of the heart) — a new life in Him.

And when you fail, know that God in Christ loves and forgives you and still calls you away from that and to Himself.

Celebrating June 2018


Paula Hardy                    Jun 02

Jordan Doddek                Jun 03

Oliver Mosier                  Jun 05

Brad Gerike                     Jun 06

Diane Benjamin               Jun 07

Debbie Huber                  Jun 07

Eric Orr                            Jun 07

Mike Field                        Jun 08

Kent Warren                    Jun 11

Penny Culp                      Jun 13

William McNeely              Jun 14

Chris Patterson               Jun 14

Rick Ross                        Jun 14

Ruth Gerike                     Jun 15

Marlene Hitch                  Jun 16

Isabella Kessler               Jun 18

Erin Dirks                         Jun 21

Gene Fuller                     Jun 23

Kathy Hitch                      Jun 24

Janet Williamson             Jun 26

Steve Davis                     Jun 29

Martha Prescher              Jun 29

Baptismal Birthdays

Craig Culp                       Jun 01

Dorothy Herberts             Jun 01

Doris Hoffmann               Jun 01

Harriet Campbell             Jun 02

Mo Dale                           Jun 03

Brad Gerike                     Jun 07

Mandy Kluender              Jun 07

Diane Benjamin               Jun 19

Gerry Semelka                 Jun 20

Terry Trost                       Jun 28