Sermon Text 2024.01.07 — Chaos broken

January 7, 2024 Text:  Genesis 1:1-5

Dear Friends in Christ,

What causes chaos?  In Bloomington-Normal it is when the stoplights stop working at a busy intersection.  We almost got hit two years ago and one of our members did get hit last year.  The driver didn’t know that a blinking red meant stop.  Maybe chaos for you is when the computer won’t work or the kids are both sick or the hot water heater starts leaking.  Life at times can be chaotic.

Nobody likes chaos and the worries and demands that come with it.  In those instances, we would just like life to stop.  Like a non-working stoplight on Veterans Parkway life can’t exist in chaos.

In the Book of Genesis today, Moses takes us back to the beginning and even before.  We get a peek into moments of prehistory – before sin, before the treadmill of the world, before phones that won’t grab a signal.  Genesis moves our thoughts toward the Garden of Eden and perfection, peace, tranquility.  Before that, when there was just God and only God – we find chaos.  Life cannot take place in the void of nothingness.  There is a void. Chaos reigns.  What is going to be done?  Let’s see what is on the horizon . . . ah . . .


This stage of precreation can best be described as “formless, shapeless, orderless”. The point is made.  Life cannot exist here.  For life to take place, chaos must be subdued and defeated.

Life cannot go on if chaos reigns.  God creates the world by the power of His Word, but chaos comes slithering in with a wily serpent and a bite of fruit for the ages.  Since then you and I are in a battle with chaos, we are in a world tearing itself apart.

The sweat and toil of work, pain in childbirth – chaos.  Then the biggie – death.  With the plans and the weather my mom’s death was chaos.  I’ve lived it.  You’ve lived it.  

Chaos continues to stalk us.  We feel the void when the job is lost, or the bills can’t be paid.  The black hole wants to swallow us up at the hospital and funeral home.  Chaos reigns with addiction and depression.  Chaos confronts us as ungodly agendas are forced down our cultural throats.  Name your poison and they all take us to the edge of the abyss.  The void.  The chaos.  Separated from God and corrupted in His perfect creation.  

For our life to exist, we need an intervention, someone to stand up and say, “I have got this.”  Someone who will break sin and Satan and death.  Someone with strength beyond ours.

We look at chaos and say, “let me out of here!”  God, our Yahweh, hovers over the void and says, “Let there be.”  With His powerful Word, chaos is broken.  God saw what He made, and it was good.  The formless void was shaped into life.  God our Father created life out of nothing.  Chaos is broken, we live.  With the Word of God there is life, life, and more life.

This is God’s world – it is all in His name down at the eternal courthouse.  From the cattle on a thousand hills to the people from a thousand nations.  He made it.  He will sustain it.  He will redeem it.

So, when the chaos of everyday things threatens His children and His creation and his Church, it is His living Word that will bring order, peace, salvation.  His Word created the world and His Word made flesh and blood in Jesus Christ recreated you and me to save us from sin, death, and the devil.  This incarnate Word came in a Bethlehem manger and today stands in the Jordan with John.  The mighty is baptized like he was a lowly sinner.  He is in our place.  My sins and your sins were poured on His head as Jesus undergoes a sinner’s Baptism.  The Father who called the light good now praises the Light of the world, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”  Thanks Dad!

God the Son recreated us with humility and service, cross and nails.  Jesus rescues us hell-bent sinners by dying our death.  When the baptized Son of God declared, “It is finished,” the effects of chaos were broken.  Our relationship with God is restored.  We have perfection where there was a formless void.  We have paradise where there was a black hole.  

Chaos does not reign in your life, even as it tries to sneak in under the door.  The Spirit of God hovered over the waters at the moment of creation.  The Spirit of God descended upon Jesus at the Jordan River.  The Spirit of God washed you and re-created you at your baptism.  All glory this day to God because our baptized, crucified, and resurrected Lord Jesus has broken the power of chaos.


Sermon Text New Year’s Eve — The gift of next year

December 31, 2023 – New Year’s Eve Evening                                              Text:  James 1:16-17

Dear Friends in Christ,

            As you gaze into the future that will be the year 2024 what do you anticipate?  Do you have a milestone anniversary or birthday?  How about something big to do with your kids?  Some of us at Good Shepherd are looking forward to Germany, the Luther sites, and nine hours on a plane.  Oh my!  Mostly we look forward to uplifting, positive things.  But the opposite could be true.  Maybe you have a surgery scheduled or an appointment with a doctor that has you concerned.  Your job could be hanging by a thread, or you would rather bury your head than to listen to the political candidates before us.  Oh my!

            There is a lot of “Oh my!” in our future.  That is why our text for tonight is so important, it is that little nudge we need that tells no matter what “oh my” comes our way there is a Lord with His “oh yes, I am here for you.”  We put a bow on our Advent/Christmas themed sermons around gifts with this . . .


            We begin the text, “do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.”  Deception comes from the world, which has rejected God.  We live in a world of people deceiving.  They can steal your bank account, they can pilfer your savings, they can pretend they are you as they send out phishing e-mails.  One of the worst things is someone can actually be you when your identity gets stolen.  Will this stop in 2024?  Come on now, with a presidential election on the horizon.  Who and what will you believe?  Is the voting machine rigged?  Who did it the Chinese?  A tribe in Papua New Guinea?  A guy named Larry from his basement in Merrillville, Indiana?  See what I mean, don’t be deceived by the world’s sleight of hand that wants you to question everything.  Some things are still true.

            Let’s blow a little truth your way, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is a from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”  I think I am going to be saying this a lot in 2024, so here it is:  God is in charge.  God provides everything that we need including wisdom so that we are not deceived.  The “Father of Lights” is God our Creator.  He will not be deceived.  Though the heavenly bodies change and move, God and His Word remain constant and sure.  We can trust his promises.

            He promised a Savior and He delivered.  We worship this greatest gift every day.  Herod’s deception that we heard about this morning couldn’t stop the plan that the Father put in place.  Jesus and his family escaped to Egypt.  They came back to Nazareth.  He grew and became a man.  He started his ministry, called 12 apostles, performed miracles, preached great sermons, healed and helped those around Him.  He was showing the world that their deceptions mean nothing.  He was seen and adored by thousands.  And even though some would turn their back on Him and take Him to a cross, it was a blessing for every man, woman, and child.  A new, forgiven life in Christ Jesus.  A plan of salvation that has us leaving this deceiving world and going to a place prepared for us.  Solid, unmovable, forever.  Oh my!  Oh my!

            That is why 2024, like every preceding year you have been given breath, is a gift.  I pray you see it that way, because you are God’s greatest gift.  With Him there is no variation or change.  You can count on Him.  I’ll say it again:  God is in charge.  He loves you.  Let Him be Him in 2024 and beyond.


Sermon Text 2023.12.31 — Christmas can be brutal

December 31, 2023                                                                                    Text:  Matthew 2:13-18

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Christmas can seem like a nice break from reality.  We revel in tradition and leave our diet plan.  Then it is over and back to the real world.  The stress of work or school or family rears its ugly head.

            We thank God this day that we don’t put our confidence in nostalgia or family gatherings where so often things go unsaid for the sake of harmony.  Christmas is our comfort in the midst of all this.  This week after Christmas on Dec. 26, 27, and 28 the church commemorates three martyrs who suffered and even died for the faith.  It doesn’t ruin the holiday it just grounds us in reality.  Tinsel and “Silver Bells” don’t take us away from suffering and death.  It does remind us that Christmas joy comes in the One who conquered death:  Jesus, our Emmanuel. 

            If Christmas is such a joyful time, why does the Church commemorate deaths of the faithful in December?  Good question.  Life is not all candy canes and being jolly.  It is a reminder that . . .


            The first of these martyrs is Stephen, remembered on Dec. 26.  Stephen was chosen by the apostles to distribute food.  It wasn’t his acts of mercy that enraged the church’s enemies.  It was the fact that he confessed Jesus as Lord.  He was charged with blasphemy, but he didn’t remain silent.  He boldly gave a witness about the Righteous One and how Israel had rejected Him.  A mob stoned him around A.D. 35.  Stephen’s dying breath echoed Christ’s words on the cross:  “Receive my spirit…Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”

            Stephen was the first martyr after Christ’s ascension.  Like Stephen today’s enemies of the Church aren’t bothered by the Church’s acts of mercy.  Confess Jesus as the only truth and Savior of all and then see them squirm.  Like Stephen we see heaven open.  Jesus was not just a baby for us.  He is a man standing for us at God’s right hand.  He still cares for the Church and the saints.  No raging foe can stop Him.

            Dec. 27 is for St. John the Apostle.  He was an eyewitness to the life and death of Jesus.  He wrote a Gospel, three Epistles and the Book of Revelation.  This witnessing didn’t bring death but isolation.  He was exiled to the island of Patmos and died an old man in Ephesus around A.D. 100.  John suffered for the faith.

            John fits nicely with Christmas:  “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (Jn. 1:14). His epistle proclaims Jesus, “which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands.” (1 John 1:1)  He reminds us Christmas is about love.  Not love of traditions or love tarnished by broken promises, absent loved ones or dysfunctional family gatherings.   God loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, and the blood of this Son cleanses us from all sin.

            The last remembrance is a group and our text for today – we call them The Holy Innocents.  They are the baby boys two years and under in Bethlehem who were killed on the orders of Herod.  What senseless violence.  Yet, it is as nonsensical as God becoming man or the King born in a stable, as tragic as creatures who kill their Creator and Savior.  In our world, violence and evil continue, even during holidays.  The killing of children unborn and born continues and it should give us pause.  We once dwelt in a crib and a womb.  That could have been us.  Christ sanctified all life by His conception and birth.  It could have been Him:  in fact, that was the whole idea.

            These babies died for the One who came to die for them.  Their deaths show how cruel man can be and the lengths the world will go to stop Christ and the Christian faith.  This is the world we find ourselves in.  Peace on earth is found only in Jesus’ blood.  His death was the true martyrdom, bearing witness that our salvation is accomplished.

            Christmas for all its joy, can be brutal.  The days following can be even harder.  We thank God this day that Christ is the center of our Christmas.  God in the flesh who redeemed us by His blood.  If not for that, how could we stand up to the real world?  We have such a Savior and because of that we don’t fear dark days, in-laws or even a martyr’s death.


Sermon Text Christmas Day — Don’t put the gifts away

December 25, 2023 – Christmas                                                                    Text:  Romans 5:15-17

Dear Friends in Christ,

            I am well known around my house as one who makes the remnants of Christmas disappear quickly.  The wrapping paper gets put in a trash bag.  I take all my gifts and put them where they need to be.  Tags are cut off of clothes and either put in the laundry or I see if I can get one wear out of them before washing.  Socks and ties go to the appropriate places.  Then a bag is put together and set by the stairs because those gifts need to go to my office.  Christmas?  Who had Christmas here?

            What about you?  Are you like me and you don’t like clutter?  Or do revel in the clutter and the paper everywhere for this one day?  Do you place your gifts under the tree and not put them away until the new year?  Well, my sermon advice is going against my grain, but you will understand by the end of . . .


            In our text we have the words “free gift” mentioned five times.  Do you think Paul is trying to get through to us here?  I think so to.  The “free gift” is the one that we don’t put away.  It’s stays with us forever.  No box.  No closet.  No drawer.  It is a part of who we are.

            Let’s take a closer look.  “But the free gift is not like the trespass.  For if many died through the one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many.”  The free gift is God’s grace in Christ.  Why is it needed?  Because of the one man’s trespass, and that man was Adam.  His sin is our sin.  But another man, Jesus Christ gave us the greater gift that “abounded for many.”

            We are a broken people.  Our once-perfect tie with God in the Garden of Eden was broken long ago.  At times our lives can be a shattered mess.  A broken marriage.  Kids breaking away from the church.  A disease that splits our nice little life apart.  How can all of this be put back together again?  The incarnation of a baby in a manger who as a man mends our broken hearts when He dies on the cross for our missteps.  As our text says, instead of the trespass bringing condemnation, the free gift brings justification.  Jesus brought the broken relationship of God and man back together again.  Don’t put that gift away.  Enjoy it every day that you awaken.  Celebrate it when life looks a little dark.  Remember the light – the light of Christ that shines for you.  An eternal union that Christ made possible for God and man.

            One reason we don’t put the gifts away is because life is not over.  I heard a doctor recently tell a patient who has disease in his body that they want him to live.  Enjoy life.  Life is in front of you, this no death sentence.  Verse 17 echoes the same thing, “For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.”  The free gift of righteousness is Christ’s work in death and resurrection.  Even though we have death in front of us, it is the gateway to an eternity with Christ. 

            At this time of year, we think of loved ones not with us.  We miss them, but that falls on our heart.  Their gift of eternity is not put away.  They are enjoying no more broken pieces, no wars or rumors of wars, no Pope going off the rails, no infighting around the Christmas tree.  They are the blessed.  That is the same gift we carry around with us.  Christ unwrapped it and gave it to us free.  How can we not be thankful for the hope that we have? 

            Don’t put the gifts away.  Christmas isn’t over, it really has just begun.  A Blessed Christmas to all of you.


Sermon Text Christmas Eve — Some gifts last

December 24, 2023 – Christmas Eve Evening                                                           Text:  Romans 3:23-24

Dear Friends in Christ,

            What is a Christmas memory that lasts?  Every year as a kid it was the holidays in Wisconsin.  Christmas Eve on mom’s side and Christmas Day on dad’s side.  Before my organized sports and when my parents were both teachers we would stay up there until the New Year.  This all changed on December 24, 1983.  Oh, the usual plan was in place but . . . a snowstorm hit.  Blizzard conditions.  We left and traveled through the country from Argenta to Maroa.  Could barely see the road.  The 10-minute trip took 45 minutes.  We took many trips to Wisconsin in the snow, but this was different.  My parents made the wise decision to head back home.  That day many of you will remember that Illinois played Kentucky in basketball with high school referees wearing players high tops because the regular refs couldn’t get there.  I don’t remember any of my gifts that year, but I do hold that memory.

            What about the shepherds this night?  Routine, right?  I don’t think so, my friend.  They were probably sitting around jawing, “Bill, are you going to see your family for Christmas?” and then an angel appeared and made it a night they would never forget.  The reason for that?  They were going to see a gift wrapped in a manger.  They were going to realize as I pray we do that . . .


            Many of our Christmas gifts do not last.  Get a box of chocolates or fruit and it usually gone before Epiphany.  Clothes might work for a while, but then you binge on some cinnamon rolls, and you are looking for an alteration store.  A book is well read and then becomes something you have to dust around.  Calendars are nice . . . well, you know where this is going.

            This gift lasts because it has always been.  This gift is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  This gift was prophesied for hundreds of years and now here He is in the flesh.  The Godhead see.  That’s the gift of the Savior born today.  No past promise was thrown away, they all came true as this gift lived His life and went to His death for us.  This gift lasts because it is what the world needed, what it needs, and what it will need.

            Why do you and I as part of the world need this gift?  “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God?”  You do fall short, don’t you?  No one can live the holy life.  Scripture shouts everywhere that we are far away from the perfection that the Law of God requires.  Wouldn’t life be more peaceful if we could live the holy life?  If certain issues faded or we repented or are worries were carried away?  God has the answer.  We are in God’s caring hands.  He surrounds us with His love.

            While we fall short of God’s glory, He doesn’t leave us hanging.  “We are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”  This gift is always useful, this is why it lasts.  Sin, yes thank you, every day.  Grace, yes thank you, every day.  Justification, yes thank you, every day.  Redemption, yes thank you, every day.  Christ Jesus, yes thank you, every day.  Christ is always there, because we always need the gifts that He provides. 

            Every day we get up could be the day of our death.  But that shouldn’t concern us.  When God sent this gift down to earth, He knew He wouldn’t return for about 33 years and 40 days.  His Son had a job to do.  His Son was obedient to His Father.  He was gift giving.  He lived the perfectly holy life.  He didn’t fall short.  He healed.  He did miracles.  It was a wonder.  Then He suffered.  Then He died.  Was the gift dead?  No, it was a wonder.  He came back to life.  This gift appeared to many.   He unwrapped a plethora of blessings for us.  We are forgiven.  We are loved.  We have an eternal home that awaits us.  The gift of Christmas lasts and lasts and lasts.  It has no end. 

            Maybe tonight or tomorrow you will get a gift you remember for a while.  But then the memory of it begins to fade.  Christ is born for you.  He will never forget you.  You are most precious to Him.  Jesus and His grace is the gift that lasts.


Sermon Text 2023.12.24 — To God alone be glory

Sermon – December 24, 2023                                                                      Text:  Romans 16:25-27

Dear Friends in Christ,

            How many of you enjoy logic games?  I recently did one that had 10 logical questions.  With questions like this, the thinker is control.  They are using deductive reasoning to answer the question.  I remember this question from the 10.  “Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?”  Got your answer?  Mt. Everest.  It didn’t need to be “discovered” before it was the highest mountain. 

            With the mystery of the Gospel, deductive reasoning may help communicate it, but it can never reveal the mystery of the Gospel.  St. Paul says in our text that the mystery “was kept secret for long ages.”  No one could deduce that God would create human beings perfect, that these same humans would rebel and do nasty things and He would take upon Himself the painful work of saving them.  No one could ever deduce that God would sacrifice His Son for man’s insults and demand no kind of payment from them.  No one could deduce that God would achieve all this through the humble birth, deprived life, and agonizing death of His own Son.  This mystery could only be revealed in God’s written Word and his incarnate Word, Jesus Christ the beloved Son of God.  But now, all this has been revealed so we say . . .


            God’s glory is so great but human beings have always been trying to understand it.  We think of glory as might and power and prestige that serves the glorious one.  Glory is about the one who has it and the others around them are weak and inferior.  An athlete’s glory is in winning – which means he beats someone else.  A businessman wants to be on the cover of Fortune magazine thus lifting him further.  An actress goes on stage at the Oscars with her trophy and thanks “all the little people.”

            If God’s glory were that way, we would give it grudgingly because it would humiliate us.  In that way it would still be a mystery and we wouldn’t understand it all.  Because . . . God’s glory is an entirely different kind.  God’s glory is an attitude toward us that we can’t understand.  Toward God we are rebellious and loud and obnoxious and yet He delights to favor us.  We smash His commandments like a spoiled child, and He takes the punishment and the hell that goes with it – really?  God’s glory wants to declare us righteous.  Does that make sense?  We shame Him in the way we talk about Him and He says we are not guilty because of Jesus.  Go figure!  God considers it His glory to give us a gift.  We have Christ’s righteousness by believing it, through verse 26, “the obedience of faith.”

            To God alone be glory, because He did not keep it a secret from us.  His glory became clear when Jesus came into the world.  “The preaching of Jesus Christ” is what we are about to celebrate.  In these last days God “has spoken to us by His Son.” (Heb. 1:2)

            Jesus is the full and final revelation of the mystery.  “God in man made manifest.”  Jesus is the incarnate Word.  The “prophetic writings”, the Old Testament, always spoke of Christ, long before He came.  They are connected and were the texts used by the apostles and Jesus Himself.  Those prophetic writings with the Word of fulfillment in the New Testament, make the mystery of God’s glory known to all nations.

            To God Alone be glory.  In praise, we say “thank you.”  The whole letter to the Romans unveiled God’s plan of the Gospel.  Enemies of God to forgiven saints.  Helpless sinners to righteous men and women.  Like the Romans, all we can do is say thanks. 

            Soli Deo Gloria.  To God alone be glory.  Let us say it in everything we do.  God considers it His glory to save us.  When that is the way He sees things, there is no reason to claim any glory for ourselves.  Because of Jesus, His glorious death, His glorious resurrection, this is what we’ll say forevermore.  Glory to God!
