Bulletin Announcements

October 29, 2017

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m. As we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we continue studies on that time period.  We are studying “A Man Named Martin”, a video-based study on the reformer Martin Luther.

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  John 8:36 – “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”  Happy 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!  Luther is rightly remembered as a champion of the Gospel – but he also called himself “the apostle of good works.”  For only in being set free by the Gospel can we do good works.  Jesus has set us free:  His blood covers over our sins and now we stand before God as His beloved children, invited to live our lives to His glory for the good of His kingdom.

TODAY you may pick up, if you put your name on it, last year’s Commitment Envelope.  They are on the table in the narthex.  Next Sunday, November 5th, we will hand out the new envelopes and Stewardship Sunday is planned for November 12th.

TODAY is our last official collection for the new church sign planned on the south side of our property.  In conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we want the Lord to bless this as an “Outreach” to those in our neighborhood, those who drive by, and those who walk the Constitution Trail.  Watch for further details on how you can become involved.  Our goal is $7,000.00 and as this goes to press we have $6,066.22.

REFIRMATION FESTIVAL WORSHIP SERVICE:  This afternoon at 3:00 p.m. there is a Reformation Festival Worship Service at Christ Lutheran Church in Normal.  Join your brothers and sisters from the Bloomington North and South Circuits as we stand together on the great tenets of our faith: Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS:  Next Saturday evening, (November 4-5), before you drift off to the land of milk and honey, please be sure to set your clocks back one hour.  We look forward to seeing you well rested and ready to belt out “For All the Saints”.

NEXT SUNDAY, November 5th, we will remember those in our congregation who have entered eternal life in the past year.  We will have a special Order of Worship for “All Saints’ Day”.

ANNUAL VOTER’S MEETING:  Sunday, November 12th will be our Annual Voter’s Meeting and potluck meal after our 10:30 worship service.

FOOD COLLECTION:  The food box collection for Home Sweet Home is in the narthex.  We will collect until Saturday, November 18th when we will be serving a meal at the Mission.

CAN YOU HELP: John and Paula Hardy are planning their annual trip to Ft Wayne, IN.  It will be sometime after the holidays, hopefully mid-January. The Seminary needs clean usable clothes for men, women, and children. They also accept shoes, coats, and kitchen supplies.  Please bring them to church.  There is a closet located in the hall upstairs where items are collected, and packed for our trip.  If you need help finding it just contact John (309) 310-7917.  Thank you!

SHARING TREE:  We know that it is early in the process, but wanted to let you know we will have a Sharing Tree this year.  We are getting a name from the Baby Fold and will have tags on the tree with specific requests.  We also will be collecting money to purchase items not received, any additional money collected will be used to purchase gift cards.  These gift cards will be given to the Baby Fold to supplement other needs in the system.  Last year we were able to give a handful of cards because of the generosity of our church family.  The look on the faces of the staff said it all….  It was priceless.  Thank you very much for helping to share the love this coming holiday season.  Please contact Toni Lueck (309) 530-8666 or Paula Hardy (309) 829-8432 with questions.  Thank you!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “Blessed Are the Pure In Heart” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Matthew 5:8.  This weekend many churches observe All Saints Sunday, remembering those who have died in the Christian faith.  That prompts us to ask, what does it take to get to heaven?  Jesus tells us “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”  What that means is this week’s message.  Dr. Dale Meyer is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Bulletin Announcements

October 22, 2017

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:   Matthew 22:21 – Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”  So what is Jesus saying?  Doesn’t everything belong to God?  Yes – and God has a place for everything.  Some of what He gives us goes to Caesar.  Some must come back to the work of His Church.  And some goes to support the families He has given us.  All belongs to God – and he has work for us to do with what He has given us in the Home, in the Church, and in Society.

TODAY:  We welcome our Guest Preacher this day Reverend Charles Olander.  Pastor Olander has been a Pastor for 39 years and currently serves Zion Lutheran in New Holland IL.  Pastor Olander has been a Lutheran Chaplain for 35 years at Logan and Lincoln Correctional Centers.  During our Bible Class hour beginning at 9:15 a.m. in the basement, Pastor Olander will speak about his work in prison ministry.

TODAY:  Please join us after 10:30 worship today for a meal and presentation on the mission of the church and your part in it. We will hear from both Pastor Olander and Mr. Scott Radden who serves the church through the LCMS Foundation.

TODAY is the deadline for items to be submitted for the NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER.  Janet Evans is our Editor for the church newsletter and any announcements you want to be published in the Newsletter should be submitted to her at goodshepherdblm@frontier.com or you may call her at (309) 662-8905.

NEXT SUNDAY, October 29th, we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation and have Holy Communion in both our worship services.  In the afternoon at 3:00 p.m. there is a circuit-wide Reformation Festival Worship Service at Christ Lutheran Church in Normal.

ANNUAL VOTER’S MEETING:  November 12th will be our Annual Voter’s Meeting and potluck meal after our 10:30 worship service.

CHURCH SIGN UPDATE:  After having our coins counted and other gifts we have $5,316.22 toward this Outreach endeavor.  The goal is $7,000.00  We have one more collection on Reformation Sunday, October 29th.

FOOD COLLECTION:  The food box collection for Home Sweet Home is in the narthex.  We will collect until Saturday, November 18th when we will be serving a meal at the Mission.

CAN YOU HELP: John and Paula Hardy are planning their annual trip to Ft Wayne IN.  It will be sometime after the holidays, hopefully mid-January. The Seminary needs clean usable clothes for men, women, and children. They also except shoes, coats, and kitchen supplies.  Please bring them to church.  There is a closet located in the hall upstairs where items are collected, and packed for our trip.  If you need help finding it just contact John (309) 310-7917.  Thank you!

SHARING TREE:  We know that it is early in the process, but wanted to let you know we will have a Sharing Tree this year.  We are getting a name from the Baby Fold and will have tags on the tree with specific requests.  We also will be collecting money to purchase items not received, any additional money collected will be used to purchase gift cards.  These gift cards will be given to the Baby Fold to supplement other needs in the system.  Last year we were able to give a handful of cards because of the generosity of our church family.  The look on the faces of the staff said it all….  It was priceless.  Thank you very much for helping to share the love this coming holiday season.  Please contact Toni Lueck (309) 530-8666 or Paula Hardy (309) 829-8432 with questions.  Thank you!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “A Reformation Invitation – The Just Live By Faith” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Romans 1:16-17.  500 years ago, Martin Lither rediscovered a truth that turned the world upside down; the just shall live by faith.  Can this message transform you today?  Reverend Dr. Gregory Seltz is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Bulletin Announcements

October 15, 2017

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m. As we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we continue studies on that time period.  We are studying “A Man Named Martin”, a video-based study on the reformer Martin Luther.

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  Matthew 22:5 – ‘But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business.’  The invitation to join God in His feast and in His work is easily ignored.  The rest of life seems so much more pressing, and we always think that there will be another time when we can catch back up with God.  But what joys are we missing when we set aside God’s invitation to join Him in His plans and purposes?  What inheritance are we trading for the world’s bowl of pottage?

CHURCH SIGN UPDATE:  After having our coins counted and other gifts we have $5,244.88 toward this Outreach endeavor.  The goal is $7,000.00  We have one more collection on Reformation Sunday, October 29th.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Please keep these important dates on your calendar.  Next Sunday, October 22nd we will have Mission Festival Sunday.  Reverend Charles Olander who does prison ministry work in our district will preach and conduct Bible Class.  There will also be a meal after the late service.  On Sunday, October 29th we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in both worship services.  That afternoon at 3:00 p.m. will be a circuit-wide Reformation 500 Festival Service at Christ Lutheran in Normal.  There will be a meal served after we “A Mighty Fortress” ourselves all the way to the dinner table.  Reservations are needed!  Envelopes for this purpose are available on the table in the narthex.  Please fill out and return to the church office.  Pastor will get them to Christ Lutheran.  Danka!  Then on November 12th, we will conduct our Annual Voter’s Meeting and have a meal after our 10:30 worship service.

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT:  The October FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES will be held this coming Friday, October 20th, at 6:30 p.m.  The feature movie that will be shown is “HIDDEN FIGURES”.  This movie was inspired by a true story. “HIDDEN FIGURES” tells the incredible untold story of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson – brilliant African-American women working at NASA who served as the brains behind the launch into orbit of astronaut John Glenn, a stunning achievement that turned around the Space Race.  The visionary trio crossed all gender and racial lines and inspired generations.  Join us for a great movie and good food and fine fellowship!  See you at the movies.

FROM THE OFFICE:  We received two thank-you letters from recent gifts we sent.  First, a note of thanks from President Harrison of our LCMS for our gift of $1,586.20 toward hurricane relief.  Second, a note of gratitude for our $100.00 donation to Wittenberg Lutheran Center following our reception of their old stove which now adorns our kitchen.  Both letters are on the bulletin board outside the church office.

FROM THE OFFICE:  If you do not currently receive “The Gatepost”, the Monthly Newsletter  from our Central Illinois District of the LCMS you can sign-up to receive it by e-mail or regular mail at cid@cidlcms.org.

PORTALS OF PRAYER:  The October—December 2017 Portals of Prayer are available on the book rack in the narthex.  Pick up your free copy today.

AGING IS THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE:  You are invited to a special event with Dr. Richard Bimler as he encourages us to celebrate to the blessing of aging, the gift of life and affirmation of God’s grace – to live an abundant life in the Lord.  Having consulted and presented throughout the world, Rich will share his humor and wisdom on aging joyfully.  This will be held at Trinity Lutheran School, 1102 West Hamilton Rd., Bloomington NEXT SUNDAY, October 22, 2017 from 2-4:00 p.m.  Dessert reception to follow.  Please kindly respond to (309) 557-8000 by tomorrow, Monday, October 16th.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “The Enduring Reformation Moment and Message of Grace” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from 2 Corinthians 4:13-18.  The Reformation was quite a moment for Martin Luther, but also for people who suddenly heard of a merciful God who really cared for them.  Reverend Dr. Gregory Seltz is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Bulletin Announcements

October 8, 2017

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m. As we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we continue studies on that time period.  We are studying “A Man Named Martin”, a video-based study on the reformer Martin Luther.

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  Matthew 21:43: “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.”  The Pharisees were not bearing fruit. Though they were faithful to the letter of the Law in keeping the Sabbath, tithing, and all the rest: they neglected the heart of God’s will.  The grace of God belongs at the center.  Our giving and all our other good works flow forth from receiving God’s grace and living in that grace on a daily basis.

TODAY is our monthly door Offering for our adopted Seminary Student.  This year’s student is Mr. Brent Keller.  Me Keller is a fourth year student at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN.  He is married with one child.

CHURCH SIGN UPDATE:  After having our coins counted and other gifts we have $5,244.88 toward this Outreach endeavor.  The goal is $7,000.00  We have one more collection on Reformation Sunday, October 29th.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Please keep these important dates on your calendar.  On Sunday, October 22nd we will have Mission Festival Sunday.  Reverend Charles Olander who does prison ministry work in our district will preach and conduct Bible Class.  There will also be a meal after the late service.  On Sunday, October 29th we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in both worship services.  That afternoon at 3:00 p.m. will be a circuit-wide Reformation 500 Festival Service at Christ Lutheran in Normal.  Then on November 12th, we will conduct our Annual Voter’s Meeting and have a meal after our 10:30 worship service.

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT:  The October FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES will be held on OCTOBER 20th at 6:30 p.m.  The feature movie that will be shown is “HIDDEN FIGURES”.  This movie was inspired by a true story. “HIDDEN FIGURES” tells the incredible untold story of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson – brilliant African-American women working at NASA who served as the brains behind the launch into orbit of astronaut John Glenn, a stunning achievement that turned around the Space Race.  The visionary trio crossed all gender and racial lines and inspired generations.  Join us for a great movie and good food and fine fellowship!  See you at the movies.

FROM THE OFFICE:  We received two thank-you letters from recent gifts we sent.  First, a note of thanks from President Harrison of our LCMS for our gift of $1,586.20 toward hurricane relief.  Second, a note of gratitude for our $100.00 donation to Wittenberg Lutheran Center following our reception of their old stove which now adorns our kitchen.  Both letters are on the bulletin board outside the church office.

FROM THE OFFICE:  If you do not currently receive “The Gatepost”, the Monthly Newsletter  from our Central Illinois District of the LCMS you can sign-up to receive it by e-mail or regular mail at cid@cidlcms.org.

PORTALS OF PRAYER:  The October—December 2017 Portals of Prayer are available on the book rack in the narthex.  Pick up your free copy today.

FELLOWSHIP HOSTS:  The sign-up for help with coffee/doughnuts is posted on the wall by the north stairwell.  We need an individual/family to sign-up each week to pick up the donuts and make the coffee.  If no one is signed up by Friday of each week, the order will be cancelled.  We thank everybody who continues to help with this part of our church fellowship.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “Luther the Man: Called by God to Boast in Him” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from 1 Corinthians 1:26-31.  Although Martin Luther is widely regarded as one of the most influential people of the last 500 years, he knew he was no big deal, compared to Christ  Reverend Dr. Gregory Seltz is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Bulletin Announcements

October 1, 2017

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m. As we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we continue studies on that time period.  We are studying “A Man Named Martin”, a video-based study on the reformer Martin Luther.

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  Matthew 21:26: “But if we say, ‘From man,’ we are afraid of the crowd. . .”  Foolish Pharisees!  They fear men more than they fear God, and so they miss out on the great blessing of knowing Jesus and His love.  All our sins are like this: we fear something more than we fear God.  And how foolish that is!.  Just think of the blessings we miss out on whenever we place our fear or trust in something other than God.

TODAY IS LWML SUNDAY (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) and we thank the Lord for their 75 years as a Mission Society of the LCMS.  May He continue to bless their work into the future.

NEXT SUNDAY, (October 8th) will be our monthly door Offering for our adopted Seminary Student.  This year’s student is Mr. Brent Keller.  Mr. Keller is a fourth year student at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN.  He is married with one child.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Please keep these important dates on your calendar.  On Sunday, October 22nd we will have Mission Festival Sunday.  Reverend Charles Olander who does prison ministry work in our district will preach and conduct Bible Class.  There will also be a meal after the late service.  On Sunday, October 29th we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in both worship services.  That afternoon at 3:00 p.m. will be a circuit-wide Reformation 500 Festival Service at Christ Lutheran in Normal.  Then on November 12th, we will conduct our Annual Voter’s Meeting and have a meal after our 10:30 worship service.

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT:  The October FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES will be held on OCTOBER 20th at 6:30 p.m.  The feature movie that will be shown is “HIDDEN FIGURES”.  This movie was inspired by a true story. “HIDDEN FIGURES” tells the incredible untold story of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson – brilliant African-American women working at NASA who served as the brains behind the launch into orbit of astronaut John Glenn, a stunning achievement that turned around the Space Race.  The visionary trio crossed all gender and racial lines and inspired generations.  Join us for a great movie and good food and fine fellowship!  See you at the movies.

FROM THE OFFICE:  If you do not currently receive “The Gatepost”, the Monthly Newsletter  from our Central Illinois District of the LCMS you can sign-up to receive it by e-mail or regular mail at cid@cidlcms.org.

PORTALS OF PRAYER:  The October—December 2017 Portals of Prayer are available on the book rack in the narthex.  Pick up your free copy today.

FROM THE OFFICE:  The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) has now been mounted on the south wall in the narthex.  Please take an opportunity to visually locate it.  Saying prayers that we never need to use it, but if we should: 1) Call 911; 2) Have someone grab the AED; 3) Turn the equipment on and the AED will walk you through what you need to do.  A CPR class will be scheduled at a later date.  Speak with Mary Anne Kirchner if you have any questions.

FELLOWSHIP HOSTS:  The sign-up for help with coffee/doughnuts is posted on the wall by the north stairwell.  We need an individual/family to sign-up each week to pick up the donuts and make the coffee.  If no one is signed up by Friday of each week, the order will be cancelled.  We thank everybody who continues to help with this part of our church fellowship.

YOU ARE INVITED:  Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Eureka has their 28th Annual Hog Roast thic coming Saturday, October 7th from 4-7:00 p.m.  Pastor Lueck has two complimentary tickets for you and a pig loving guest, please speak with him.  (Pastor, not the pig!)

FREE TICKETS:  The church office has free tickets for the ISU Women’s Volleyball Game against Valparaiso on Saturday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m. The tickets are available on the table in the narthex.  Enjoy!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “No Selfies Needed” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Philippians 4:4-14.  God isn’t afraid of messy people.  He loves the broken, embraces the outcast, and seeks the lost.  Reverend Dr. Gregory Seltz is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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Bulletin Announcements

September 24, 2017

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  Matthew 20:9 – “And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius.”  Behold the generosity of God! He gives out of His grace, not what we deserve to receive. Living a godly life means living in imitation of God – and surely one of the foundations of God’s being is His generosity.

NEED A RIDE? If you are unable to drive to church, we have an option that is available.  Please speak with Pastor who has the details.  Thank you.

OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Choir Room which is located on the 2nd level (the west side).

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets in the basement at 9:15 a.m. As we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we continue studies on that time period.  We are studying “A Man Named Martin”, a video-based study on the reformer Martin Luther.

TODAY we will have another collection for our new Church Sign.  The final collection will be on Reformation Sunday, October 29th.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Please keep these important dates on your calendar.  On Sunday, October 22nd we will have Mission Festival Sunday.  Reverend Charles Olander who does prison ministry work in our district will preach and conduct Bible Class.  There will also be a meal after the late service.  On Sunday, October 29th we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in both worship services.  That afternoon at 3:00 p.m. will be a circuit-wide Reformation 500 Festival Service at Christ Lutheran in Normal.  Then on November 12th, we will conduct our Annual Voter’s Meeting and have a meal after our 10:30 worship service.

FROM THE OFFICE:  If you had your picture taken for our new Church Directory, please pick up your copy today at the table in the narthex.

PORTALS OF PRAYER:  The October—December 2017 Portals of Prayer are available on the book rack in the narthex.  Pick up your free copy today.

FROM THE OFFICE:  The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) has now been mounted on the south wall in the narthex.  Please take an opportunity to visually locate it.  Saying prayers that we never need to use it, but if we should: 1) Call 911; 2) Have someone grab the AED; 3) Turn the equipment on and the AED will walk you through what you need to do.  A CPR class will be scheduled at a later date.  Speak with Mary Anne Kirchner if you have any questions.

LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS:  It’s that time again for the LWML’s Project Lutheran World Relief School Kits.  We need your help filling the School Kits with the following items for each School Bag:  4 Notebooks; 1 Ruler; 1 Pencil Sharpener; 1 Scissor; 5 Pencils; 5 Pens; 1 Box of Crayons; 1 Eraser; 1 Book Bag.  If you have any questions, please see or contact Joann Hart (309) 310-9205.  Thank you for your help!

FELLOWSHIP HOSTS:  The sign-up for help with coffee/doughnuts is posted on the wall by the north stairwell.  We need an individual/family to sign-up each week to pick up the donuts and make the coffee.  If no one is signed up by Friday of each week, the order will be cancelled.  We thank everybody who continues to help with this part of our church fellowship.

COME ONE, COME ALL!  You are invited to Christ Lutheran Church at 311 N. Hershey Rd., in Normal TODAY from 3-5:00 p.m. for a Reformation Walk.  The 50 minute tours start at 3:00 p.m. and are free.  Complimentary refreshments will be provided.  For more information please call the church office at (309) 452-5609.

YOU ARE INVITED:  Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Eureka has their 28th Annual Hog Roast on Saturday, October 7th from 4-7:00 p.m.  Pastor Lueck has two complimentary tickets for you and a pig loving guest, please speak with him.  (Pastor, not the pig!)

FREE TICKETS:  The church office has free tickets for the ISU Women’s Volleyball Game against Valparaiso on Saturday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m. The tickets are available on the table in the narthex.  Enjoy!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  “Power to Overcome Worry and Anxiety” is the topic for next Sunday.  The sermon text will be from Philippians 4:4-13.  Thanksgiving and anxiety are two opposing forces.  Have you ever thanked God for your problems, pains, and suffering?  Reverend Dr. Gregory Seltz is the speaker.  Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m.  Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Tune in!  You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN:  If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582.  The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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