January 12, 2025 Text: Isaiah 43:1-7
Dear Friends in Christ,
Do you all know what day Friday was? Quitters Day. You have maybe seen the commercial that states, and this is backed by research, that people quit their new year’s resolutions by the 2nd Friday of January. The main reason? People set goals that they cannot reach.
This can all be a pattern for our feeling of being worthless, incapable. Have you ever had a loved one or teacher or coach that told you that you were a disappointment? For most of us in life, the biggest disappointment is when we let ourselves down. Why did I do that? If we could change that sin that still haunts us. The one word we want to take back. The night we lost our virginity, the day we lost our temper, the time we lied, the moment we used the Lord’s name in vain. You can’t take it back. It’s part of the history on your hard drive.
And you don’t want the world to know that you are not the student, citizen, employee, employer, friend, husband, wife, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child, man, or woman that you should be. You don’t want everybody to know you fail God, you fail others, you fail yourself. Worthless. Incapable. Poor, miserable sinner.
Ok, you feel pretty crappy. But let’s get our eyes up. Come on, stop pouting. Our text has something wonderful to share with you . . . there’s a hint of a smile, I can see it. The Bible promise is that . . .
Let’s get at it. “But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you…’” (v. 1a). The words that get us started are “fear not.” The restoration of a shattered Israel is impending. There is a Savior coming. The Israel to be restored will be composed of Jew and Gentile – the Church.
The Church. Not a denomination…but the redeemed. In an instant we are carried from Manger to the Cross. The Christ comes to redeem us – buy us back from the depths of hell because of our sinful ways.
Our belonging as the Lord’s is so personal. “I have called you by name…” (v. 1b). Old Testament scholar H.C. Leupold calls this statement an idiom meaning: “I have appointed you for a very special purpose in a direct way.”
People need purpose. So many people struggle because they have no foundation, no purpose. Monday I was expecting to work from home because of the expected snow. I would work from home but had no big purpose for getting up. When I did get up, I had a text the ladies were convening for Bible Study on Tuesday. Purpose #1 – I would need to go to church to shovel for their early morning arrival. As I shoveled, our custodian Roman Lenart came by to get his gloves he had left earlier in the day. It was time for purpose #2 – his vehicle battery was dead. The Lord made it that I was at church at the time he needed help. We drove to Toni’s work, got the jumper cables, and Roman was on his way.
God gives us the reasons for our existence. We are named. That’s purpose. This naming reminds us of our Baptism. God put His imprint on us in the water and the Word. You thought you were worthless, incapable, a quitter. Come on now, brothers and sisters you have a purpose to draw others to the forgiveness and heaven won by Jesus. You walk out of here as God’s best – the salt of the earth, the light of the world. Named His People forever and ever.
Now the most special relationship. This wonderful expression from the Lord – “You Are Mine.” The Manger – A Cross – An Empty Tomb. It all adds up, doesn’t it? For the sake of Jesus God has a special claim on us. Christ would enter our world to stake His claim on us through His payment for sin at Calvary. Though life can be hard and painful at times we live in the knowledge of Christ’s great love and soon return for us.
When the boys were little, they were a little scared of their first time on a rollercoaster. One talked the whole way up, the other was quiet. The key was that I wasn’t frightened. They caught my eye. I had a smile, said, “This will be fun.” And sure enough, by the time we got off, they were ready to go again. They still enjoy the thrill to this day.
Life can have some scary rides. God doesn’t use them to terrify us – but for us to catch His eye – to teach us that He is in control – that we can trust Him. And most of all, to teach us that because of Jesus we belong to Him – not to this world.
There it is . . . your hint of a smile is now big grin because You Belong As The Lord’s.