February 12, 2023 Text: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Dear Friends in Christ,
Have you ever been holding a baby that needs a change? As that smell permeates the nostrils you may say something like, “Poowee!” A baby needs a change. Quite regularly, in fact. A baby can’t change himself. They eventually grow out of it. In the meantime, if babies are going to grow up and be healthy, they need a change.
In our text for this morning St. Paul is calling the Corinthian Christians babies, spiritual babies. You know what that means. Babies need a change. If they are going to grow up spiritually . . .
Babies need lots of changes. We have been changed. You and I were conceived and born in sin. We were adorable little babies, but we were drooling enemies of God. When brought to the faith, believers in Christ, a new person was created. We love God. We trust in God above all things.
This was St. Paul and the Christians in Corinth. Paul was formerly named Saul. Saul was a pursuer and persecutor of Christian believers. But he was changed. The Holy Spirit made him a proclaimer of the Gospel, a planter of churches, a traveler for the way, the truth, and the life.
The Corinthians were changed. They heard and believed the Gospel and so when Paul addressed them at the beginning of his letter, he said this, “those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints.” (1:2). This change largely came through the ministry of two men – Paul and Apollos. Each had preached the Gospel that changes people so miraculously.
How are we like these believers in Corinth? We have been changed by the Good News. We have been brought to faith in Christ – many of us by Baptism as babies. Even before are memories were fully formed, the Holy Spirit was creating us to be believers in Jesus. Back when we were needing many changes a day, we were changed!
How do you handle change? Many of us like it or dislike it depending on what it is. In this profession you have to embrace change. You never know where you might be serving the Lord’s people. But we have learned. People are people. Whether in Texas or Kansas or Illinois. All have the same joys and challenges. That change is no big deal. On the other hand, I don’t care for technological changes. I want to use cash and send letters and shop for clothes in person. I am proudly an “old soul.” How about you? Change – yes, or change – no?
I love the way Paul addresses this church when he says, “behaving only in a human way.” (v. 3b). These folks needed change so there could be growth. They could no longer stay with mother’s milk. Solid food was on the menu. They would move from people of the flesh to people of the Spirit. They still had rivalries – some for Paul, some for Apollos. These men were on the same side, they weren’t divided personally.
Do we ever behave in a human way? Ah…yea. Hello human, ever give in to the desires of the flesh? Ever get jealous? Have any rivalries? Feed in the trough of milk when what your soul needs is the heavenly banquet? We can still be babies who need a change. Just follow us for a while, we will show you – “poowee!” This all separates us from God and one another. Infant behavior can only lead to death.
The Son of God made the change we need. Christ, the unchanging God, did become flesh for all jealousy, strife, for all who are behaving only in a human way. Since “each will receive his wages according to his labor” (v. 8b), we rejoice in what Christ has done. The wage of his labor on the cross is full and free forgiveness. The wage of his labor in and out of the grave is life new and never-ending. These wages of cross and tomb are delivered to us in water and Word – Holy Baptism; bread and wine, body and blood – Holy Supper. This is the food we babies need to grow. God gives this food, even as we are still babies.
When God changes us, we grow. Think of going off to kindergarten. Had to have a picture, didn’t you? Now picture you at your high school or college graduation. In those intervening years you were planted, watered, and you grew. You matured. There is growth in watering and planting. It is taking place right now as this Word is shared. God gives the growth. He is the source of growth in His new creation, the Church. The Church is God’s field.
In many parts of country, we are not near planting time. No plowing or tilling yet for seeds to be dropped. Even though it’s February, it is planting and watering time. The Epiphany season – encouragement to be part of Christ’s mission for the Church. It is always a time for God to give growth. Every day is a Lift High The Cross day.
The Church faithfully sows the seed of Christ’s Gospel. The Church faithfully waters what is planted. We all want to see a great harvest. We pray about it and then we affirm and celebrate this statement: “only God gives the growth.”
Yes, God makes the change.