Sermon Text 2022.09.04 – God has chosen us

September 4, 2022                                    Text: Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Dear Friends in Christ,

    A few months back when Roe v Wade was overturned, I was privileged to be part of a webinar that featured brief talks from pro-life leaders throughout our nation.  Over 50 speakers were lined up in just a few days.  They each were given 2-3 minutes, though some went a little longer.  I remember that Tuesday night sitting at the laptop for 2 ½ hours.  

    Two main themes came from almost every speaker.  1).  We thank God for the decision.  2).  There is still more work to do.  Right on both accounts.  The patience of God put in place men and women who understood this was bad law.  As has been proven these last few months those who want a culture of death, led by the devil who is working even harder, will do some evil things to keep their power.

    We are people of the Word of God.  It is easy to get into the political debate and lose the focus.  We have been chosen by God.  We have had breath breathed into us from God the Creator.  Our text is not about abortion, it is about who we are as God’s people.  We do what we do because . . .


    It is interesting isn’t it how both sides of this issue used v. 19.  One side just takes two simple words, “Choose Life,” and makes it a rallying cry.  The other side can’t print “choose death” on bumper stickers because that isn’t inspiring or wise.  So, they use a form of the word choose and they want to be positive, so it becomes – “pro-choice.”  Clever, right?  Who doesn’t want a choice?  And since 1973 the semantics of those words have been effective.

    In our text the same people God is addressing he once called “stiff-necked.”  But he also said of these people, “The Lord loves you and is keeping the oath that he swore to your faithers, that the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.”  (Deut. 7:7-8). They were not chosen because they were special; they were special because they were chosen.

    Peter tells us in the New Testament Church that we are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” (1 Pet. 2:9)  Let’s go one step further.  Each of you were chosen by God before the foundation of the world.  In baptism, made a child of God.  Each of you is special because you were chosen.

    We’ve got some choices in our text.  Life/death, good/evil.  Fundamentally the choice is this:  trust God or turn away to other gods.  That was a constant problem with Israel.  “If your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them.” (v. 17). This is when the evil and curses will come. 

    We have had a lot of curses on our land as we have continued to de-value life both in utero and with our aging population.  In the last fifty years these are all up:  child abuse, suicides, mass killings.  As we erode the value of life, these are the consequences.

    Has death ever led to life?  Watch your answer.  Jesus chose suffering and death to pay the price we owed God because of our sin and destroyed death once and for all through His resurrection from the dead.  Jesus chose death to rescue us.  Jesus chose you, and you have been baptized into His death and resurrection.

    You have the assurance.  You can trust God because He promises that nothing can separate you from His love.  You can trust God because He promises to work in every aspect of your life.  You can trust God because He loved you so much that he gave His only Son as a payment for your bad choices.  You can trust God because He sets His love upon you every time you receive His Holy Meal. 

    When life is chosen, then generations will live as our text states, “you and your offspring will live.” (v. 19).  Your faith will grow as you obey the voice of the Lord.  Holding fast and clinging to the Lord you dwell in His promises.  Your voice, along with millions of others has made a difference.  You walked for Life, or you spoke out for Life, or you did a vigil in front of a clinic.  You maybe even gave life to a child that was unexpected.  We need to continue to be there for those in life situations.  The issue will always be with us.

    Most of you are aware of my personal story.  One of my Godchildren became pregnant as a teenager before marriage.  She wrote me a very personal letter at the time.  I cried.  Two weeks ago, Toni and I had dinner with this extended family – 12 of us in all.  The child that was born sat right across from me.  She is now a sophomore in high school.  I was privileged to catch up on her life.  She is a tiny person who went out for football last year.  Courage.  You think about these things when you know the backstory.

    Her mother is married with another child and works to help others through her work with the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services.  I am blessed as are others by what the Lord is doing in her life.  

    The prayer is you see the same thing.  You are chosen by God.  Chosen for life.  Chosen to make a difference.  Loved by Creator God for a purpose.  Live knowing that you are His.
