Sermon Text 8.1.2021 — ONE

August 1, 2021 Text: Ephesians 4:1-7

Dear Friends in Christ,

Frederick B. Speakman wrote about an incident in which a veteran waitress was taking orders from a couple and their young son. The couple had specific requests regarding substitutions. Speakman wrote than when the waitress addressed the son, the son “began to order with a kind of fearful desperation. ‘I want a hot dog…’” he started. Then this: “And both parents barked at once ‘No hot dog!’ The mother went on. ‘Bring Lyonnais potatoes, beef, vegetables and a roll.’

“The waitress wasn’t even listening. She said to the youngster, ‘What do you want on your hot dog?’ He flashed an amazed smile. ‘Ketchup, lots of ketchup – and bring a glass of milk.’

“’Coming up,’ she said as she turned from the table, leaving behind the stunned silence of utter parental dismay. The boy watched her go before he turned to his father and mother with astonished elation to say, ‘You know what? She thinks I’m real! She thinks I’m real.’”

We might not agree with the way the waitress handled it but it makes a point. God sees us as real. We are His. At the beginning of the Book Ephesians it says that God chose us before the creation of the world. Imagine that. It was His will to choose us. He has made us His through faith in Christ. As our text says, “you have been called.” Let’s not complicate this topic. Let’s keep it simple.


When Paul wrote this epistle he was in prison. He had offended the Jewish leaders who hung onto their laws and traditions that were contrary to salvation in Christ alone – One. Society couldn’t have someone spouting absolute truth so he had to be put behind bars.

We learn from the imprisoned Paul this morning. Did you catch all the One references? One body, One Spirit, One hope, One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and Father, grace given to each One. Christ’s Church is One.

We call this church the invisible church. It consists of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. What binds us all together? Faith in the person of Christ. Faith in His life and suffering and death and resurrection. Denominations and divisions do not destroy the unity and Oneness of Christ’s church. This Oneness transcends denominations or labels. It is a holy church.

The church is One and holy because Christ made it so. He took our unholiness, our sins, and made us holy by redeeming us on the cross. The true believers of the church are found in all denominations. We are unified in the Old and New Testament Scripture as God’s Word. We are One in our belief that Christ died to save us from sin and grant us eternal salvation. We say it again. One body, One Spirit, One hope, One Lord, One faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of us all who is all and through all.

The visible church is right before our eyes. We see a church where hypocrites and unbelievers are present. This church may have false teachers and teachings. The visible church is the church at war. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating, “It is the Christian Church on earth that has done far more damage to the church and Christianity than unbelievers or outsiders.” God would love for the visible Church to be One in doctrine and teaching, but not at the cost of forsaking the truth of His Word. Paul lifts his voice for unity. Unity of Spirit and bond of peace.

Professor Eugene F. A. Klug wrote this in his book on Church and Ministry: “Differences in doctrine, therefore, between Christian church bodies on earth cannot be a God-pleasing thing, nor is the church’s splintered condition into many denominations. The solution for this disunity and division, does not, however, lie in the direction of tolerance or allowing false teaching in the church – all of it is misguided and wrong – but in humble listening and obedient bowing before God’s Word of truth, the Sacred Scriptures. This is the posture demanded by God of every devout follower of His and of every church, be it a congregation or a larger fellowship of congregations bearing Christ’s name.”

We all have the responsibility to find a church where God’s Word and Sacraments are taught and preached in truth. This makes us One. If you can’t find that, become a missionary. Christ’s grace has been given to each One of us.

We are called to speak the truth, grow in faith toward Christ who is our Head, and move as One body, waiting together for the return of our Lord and the resurrection of all flesh. All this we believe and confess with One voice as Christ’s true Church on earth.
