Sermon for Sunday, October 21, 2018: “Sense-Ational Reading.”

October 21, 2018                                                                    Text:  Hebrews 4:12-13


Dear Friends in Christ,


Two reporters were assigned to do a door-to-door survey.  The question to be asked was, “What is the one thing that concerns you most right at this moment?”  They approached the first house, went up on the porch and rang the doorbell.  They asked, “Hello sir, we are conducting an opinion poll and would like to know what is the one thing that concerns you most right at this moment?”  The man looked at them and replied, “Well, the one thing that concerns me the most right at this moment is that you two are standing on my front porch, and I just finished painting it.”

How would you answer that question?  Most all of us have a concern or a worry right at this moment.  It might be our health, or our family situation, or financial challenge, or direction of our world and society.  We might be concerned about lunch plans or if we should have (had) that donut this morning.

We look for answers for all our cares and concerns.  The Lord blesses us with a reply and with answers.  It is in the Holy, inspired Word of God.  The Bible is the greatest and most exclusive guidebook on human living, one that needs no updating or is ever obsolete.  God’s Word is forever.  It is filled with . . .


The emphasis for us is on the word “sense.”  Our text describes the Word of God in very real, physical terms.  It is not some hazy material, but rather it is dynamic and vibrant and alive!  “The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  The reality and effectiveness of God’s Word are made clear.  Neglecting God’s Holy Word can and will bring dire and eternal consequences.

We must involve ourselves in the reality of this Word.  We must see it, hear it, taste it, and touch it.  So much of our world is disconnected from the senses.  We can sit on our phones and computers and do most anything but we lose that interaction that is so needed.  How many times have you yelled into your phone, “I want to talk to a person!”  When I finally get a human being, I like to confirm this by asking their name and location.  It is like you’ve reached the mountain peak.

Let’s SEE the Word of God.  How does this happen?  Not just by noticing all the bibles in our churches or homes or motel rooms.  God allows you to see it at work in your life.  It is the unchangeable power of God for the salvation of all mankind.  You’ve seen the word in action through your children, through your spouse, through a friend with problems, through a co-worker and their kindness.  May the Holy Spirit open your eyes to see the Word around you.

HEAR the Word of God.  “Blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep it.”  From the 3rd Commandment meaning we do not despise the Word, but we gladly hear and learn it.  This comes with great responsibility.  Sometimes we hear only what we want to hear from God’s Word.  Our bias twists the Word to make our sinfulness less than what it ought to be.  We don’t want to be convicted for our selfishness or our lusts or our greed so we look for a loophole or say, “I think Pastor said it this way.”  Hear the Word of God rightly.  Know your sin, repent of your sin, and then ask for guidance to do better next time.  Don’t run away from Scripture, cling to it for strength and purpose.

TASTE the Word.  It is placed on our lips and into your mouth.  The Word in the flesh –  Jesus Christ.  His body and blood strengthen us and remind us of sins forgiven and life everlasting promised.  Anger and tragedy and worry can sap our strength and drain us, but the message of God’s directives fill us to overflowing with power and peace and joy to face the world and sustain your Christian faith.

TOUCH the Word of God.  I wish my boys were here because they love the story when we were at a local bank setting up an account and the employee was explaining online banking.  I stopped him and said, “I won’t be doing that because I like to touch, I like to feel my money.”  Not my greatest choice of words but it makes for a lovely family memory.  God’s Word touches us.  It brings out feelings.  Hasn’t it touched you when a loved one died?  Haven’t you felt God’s hand upon you as you traverse the rough waters of this life?  Touch God’s Word and it touches you back.  There are so many opportunities to touch God’s Word, never let your lack of knowledge start you down a faithless pathway.

See it, hear it, taste it, and touch it.  We might add breathe it, bathe in it, revel in it.  The time is now people of God to search the Scriptures; this inspired inerrant Word of God, with all our senses, which address all our cares and concerns.  The Scriptures are truly “Sense-ational reading!”
