Bulletin Announcements – November 15, 2015

†  Bulletin Announcements  †

November 15, 2015

THOUGHTS ON STEWARDSHIP:  Hebrews 10:14: “For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” Our Lord Jesus has provided the one offering for sin. What we offer to the Lord is not a sacrifice for sin; we cannot buy our way into heaven with our money, works, or effort. Rather, what we give to the Lord’s work in the Church is a thank offering, a sign of our dependency on God and all He has given us.

THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS, led by Pastor Lueck and meeting in the church basement at 9:15 a.m. is studying “Lutheran Doctrine and Practice Today”.

TODAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOL: The account of God giving “The Ten Commandments” to Moses is today’s Sunday School lesson. The children will learn that the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Talk about God’s laws and how they guide us and show us our sin when we cannot keep them. Ask your children, “Who kept the Law perfectly for us?” Though we sin much, daily we have God’s forgiveness because of Christ, His Son.

TODAY is Good Shepherd’s Annual Voter’s Meeting. It will be held after the 10:30 worship service. Good Shepherd will provide the meat and drink and members will bring other food items which excite their taste buds. Copies of the 2016 Proposed Budget and the 2016 Slate of Candidates are in the narthex.

NEXT SUNDAY is the deadline for items to be submitted for the DECEMBER NEWSLETTER. Mandy Kluender is our Editor for the church newsletter and any announcements you want to be published in the Newsletter should be submitted to her at mgkluender@hotmail.com or you may call her at (309) 838-9868.

OUR THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP SERVICE with Holy Communion will be held on Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m. The message that evening: “Appreciate Your Blessings”.

“DECK THE HALLS”: Two weeks from today (November 29th), the Evangelism/Stewardship Board will be hosting a church decorating gathering. As we prepare the church for Advent/Christmas we will meet after the 10:30 worship service for this Fellowship Event. A lunch of pizza and drink will be provided.

LUTHERAN ANNUAL: It’s time again to order copies of “The Lutheran Annual”. The cost is $28.00. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, please contact Janet or Sandy in the church office by phone (309) 662-8905 or by email: goodshepherdblm@frontier.com, or even in person!

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: If you would like a copy of your 2015 Financial Statement please see or call Joyce Schneider at (309) 454-7865.

DEAR CHURCH FAMILY: As everyone is aware, Laura Kessler’s health issues continue with mounting medical costs. The Kessler family is requesting your help as you are able. A Go-Fund-Me Site has been setup for those who wish to assist and this can be done anonymously. The site is: www.gofundme.com/laurasjourney with the goals and specifics detailed. Thank you.        The Kessler Family

CHOIR PRACTICE: Choir is meeting every Wednesday from 7-8:00 p.m. and we always need more voices. If you would like to learn more about choir, contact Steve Parry at drparry68@outlook.com or (309) 533-5200. Come make a joyful noise until the Lord!

POSITION AVAILABLE: Christ Lutheran Church at 311 N. Hershey Road in Normal is seeking to hire an Office Manager. The list of Qualifications is posted on the bulletin board. You may submit a letter of interest and resume to Christ Lutheran Church, Attention: Employment Committee; or email to: clcms@frontier.com. For additional details see http://christlutherannormal.org.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR: “Our Heart-Song of Thanks” is the topic for next Sunday. The sermon text will be from Ephesians 5:18b-21. Heart-songs of praise are sung by those who realize the Lord loves the unlovable and saves those who thought they were beyond saving. The speaker will be Reverend Gregory Seltz. Hear this Sunday’s message on the Lutheran Hour on WGN (720) at 6:00 a.m.; WJWR (104.7 FM) and WJWR (90.3 FM) both on Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Also, if you can receive Lincoln, IL radio station WLLM (1370 AM) the program is broadcast two times on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tune in! You can also listen to The Lutheran Hour on your personal computer at RealAudio, www.lhm.org.

PRAYER CHAIN: If you have a prayer request please submit them by email to Mary Anne Kirchner at makirchner@yahoo.com or you may phone a Prayer Request to Mary Anne; her home # is (309) 661-6522; her cell phone# is (309) 532-2582. The Prayer Request box is on the table in the narthex for any written requests.

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